1. Yin, S.*, Wei, G., Li, Y., Fan, Y. 2024. Stream-wise wind penetration of urban areas under the influence of thermal buoyancy. Building and Environment, 264: 111929.
2. Yin, S., Xiao, S., Ding, X., Fan, Y.*. 2023. Improvement of spatial-temporal urban heat island study based on local climate zone framework: A case study of Hangzhou, China. Building and Environment, 248: 111102.
3. Yin, S.*, Fan Y., Li, Y., Sandberg M., Lam, K.M. 2020. Experimental study of thermal plumes generated by a cluster of high-rise compact buildings under moderate background wind condition, Building and Environment, 181: 107076.
4. Yin, S.*, Fan, Y., Sandberg, M., Li, Y. 2019. PIV based POD analysis of coherent structures in flow patterns generated by triple interacting buoyant plumes, Building and Environment, 158, 165-181
5. Yin, S.*, Li, Y., Fan, Y., Sandberg, M. 2019. Experimental investigation of near-field stream-wise flow development and spatial structure in triple buoyant plumes, Building and Environment, 149, 79-89.
6. Yin, S.*, Li, Y., Fan, Y., Sandberg, M. 2018. Unsteady large-scale flow patterns and dynamic vortex movement in near-field triple buoyant plumes, Building and Environment, 142, 288-300.
7. Yin, S.*, Sandberg, M., Lam, K., and Li, Y. 2017. Near-field merging and penetration of triple starting plumes from volumetric heat sources in a calm environment, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115, 1321-1333.
8. Yin, S.*, Li, Y., Sandberg, M., and Lam, K. 2017. The effect of building spacing on near-field temporal evolution of triple building plumes, Building and Environment, 122, 35-49.
9. Zhang, T.,Yin, S., and Wang, S.* 2013. An inverse method based on CFD to quantify the temporal release rate of a continuously released pollutant source. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 62-77.
10. Zhang, T. Yin, S., and Wang, S.* 2011. Quantify impacted scope of human expired air under different head postures and varying exhalationrates. Building and Environment, 46(10), 1928-1936.
11. Zhang, T.,Yin, S., and Wang, S.* 2010. An under-aisle air distribution system facilitating humidification of commercial aircraft. Building and Environment, 45(4), 907-915.
12. Zhao, Y., Ding, X., Wu, Z., Yin, S., Fan, Y.*, Ge, J. 2024. Impact of urban form on building energy consumption in different climate zones of China. Energy and Buildings, 320: 114579.
13. Li, Y.*, Fan, Y., Yin, S., Little, J. C. 2024. The continuing trend of air warming and humidifying in Kowloon, Hong Kong—is there an effective intervention?. City and Built Environment, 2, 7
14. Fan, Y., Wang, Q., Yin, S., Li, Y.* 2019. Effect of city shape on urban wind patterns and convective heat transfer in calm and stable background conditions, Building and Environment, 162, 106288.
15. Fan, Y., Li Y.*, Wang, Q., Yin, S. 2019. TIV and PIV based natural convection study over a square flat plate under stable stratification. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 140, 660-670.
16. Fan, Y., Hunt, J., Wang, Q., Yin, S., Li, Y.* 2019. Water tank modelling of variations in inversion breakup over a circular city, Building and Environment, 164: 106342.
17. Fan, Y.*, Hunt, J.C.R., Yin, S., Li, Y., 2019. Mean shear flow in recirculating turbulent urban convection and the plume-puff eddy structure below stably stratified inversion layers. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 135, 1485-1499.
18. Fan, Y.*, Li Y., Yin, S. 2018. Interaction of multiple urban heat island circulations under idealised settings. Building and Environment, 134, 10-20.
19. Fan, Y., Li, Y.*, Yin, S. 2018. Non-uniform ground-level wind patterns in a heat dome over a uniformly heated non-circular city. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124, 233-246.
20. Wang, K., Li, Y.*, Luo, Z., Yin, S., and Chan, P. 2017. Harmonics analysis of 130-year hourly air temperature in Hong Kong: detecting urban warming from the perspective of annual and daily cycles, Climate Dynamics, 51:613-625.
21. Wang, Q., Sandberg, M., Lin, Y., Yin, S., Hang, J.* 2017. Impacts of Urban Layouts and Open Space on Urban Ventilation Evaluated by Concentration Decay Method. Atmosphere, 8(9), 169.
22. Wei, J.*, Tang, J., Borojeni, A., Yin, S., Martin, A., Finlay, W., and Li, Y. 2016. Low re-inhalation of the exhaled flow during normal nasal breathing in a pediatric airway replica. Building and Environment, 97, 40-47.
1. Xiao, S., Wang, S., Yu, B., Fan, Y., Yin, S.*. Temporal urban heat island of representative local climate zones in Hangzhou city. In Proceeding of Healthy Buildings 2023 Asia and Pacific Rim, Paper No. 10210, Tianjin, China, 16-19 July, 2023
2. Shi, X., Gui, X., Huang, Z., Yu, B., Fan, Y., Yin, S.*. Domain-height-independence test for numerical simulation on buoyancy-driven city ventilation. In Proceeding of Healthy Buildings 2023 Asia and Pacific Rim, Paper No. 10212, Tianjin, China, 16-19 July, 2023
3. Yin, S., Lam, K., Sandberg, M., and Li, Y. The near-field flow structure in triple buoyant plumes. In Proceedings of the International Symposium Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 8, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15-18 September 2015. Edited by Hanjalic, K., Miyauchi, T., Borello, D., Hadziabdic, M., and Venturini, P. New York: Begell House Inc. 2015.
4. Yin, S., Lam, K., Sandberg, M., and Li, Y. The near field temporal flow dynamics in triple buoyant plumes. In Proceedingsof the 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning and The 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, Tianjin, China, 12-15 July 2015.
5. Yin, S., Lam, K., Sandberg, M., and Li, Y. Wind effect on plume rising from a high-rise compact building cluster. InProceedings of the 2nd General Meeting of the Hong Kong Wind Engineering Society, Hong Kong, 8-9 January 2015.
6. Yin, S., Lam, K., Sandberg, M., and Li, Y. The spacing effect on the pure plumes rising from high-rise compact building layouts. In Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality and Health in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, 14-15 July 2014.
7. Yin, S., Sandberg, M., and Li, Y. Water tank investigation of single and multiple buoyant plumes from squared blocks in calm environment. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong, 7-12 July 2014. Edited by Li, Y. and Yang, X., vol VI, pp. 295-297. 2014 (Publication No.: 238814).
8. Yin, S., Sandberg, M., and Li, Y. The rising of urban buoyant plume from high-rise compact buildings in turbulent cross-flows. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong, 7-12 July 2014. Edited by Li, Y. and Yang, X. Y., vol VI, pp. 292-294. 2014 (Publication No.: 238813).
9. Yin, S., Zhang, T., and Wang, S. Quantitatively identify unsteady gas pollutant releases by inverse CFD modeling. In Proceedings of the 12th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, p1236, pp. 421-428, Sydney, Australia, 14 – 16 November 2011.
10. Yin, S., Zhang, T., and Wang, S. Effect of head postures to exhaled pollutant dispersion. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, SE-091, pp.1-9, Shanghai, China, 24-27 August 2010.
11. Yin, S. and Zhang, T. A new under-aisle displacement air distribution system for wide-body aircraft cabins. In Proceedings of the 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, pp. 1030-1036, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 27-30 July 2009.