发表(含录用)论文80余篇,包括IEEE ToN, IEEE TSE, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TSC多个CCF A高质量汇刊、CCF C类以上的高质量国际会议以及斯普菱格等领域高质量期刊及会议,以及计算机学报、电子学报、通信学报等中文期刊。申请国家发明专利20余项,已授权10余项。
Selected News!!!
[Paper] 2025.03 智能合约隐私安全与升级工作 被IEEE Transactions on Software Enineering (TSE)接收 (Accepted, CCF A). Song Yiqiao (Master student)!
[Paper] 2025.02 确保大模型安全、公正训练工作被 JOURNAL OF Parallel and Distributed System (JPDS)接收 (Accepted, CCF B). Xu Zhicheng (Phd student)!
[浙江省优秀硕士学位论文] 2024.11 指导的研究生孙哲获评浙江省优秀硕士学位论文,祝贺!!!
[Paper] 2024.04 Our paper TEBChain: a Trusted and Efficient Blockchain-based Data Sharing Scheme in UAV-assisted IoV for Disaster RescueIEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management (TNSM)(中科院二区). (Accepted). Wang Huihui(Master student)!
[Paper] 2024.01 Our BFCS: A Smart Contract-Based Framework for Bribery-Free Crowdsourcing IEEE Transactions on Computer (TC) (Under Review, CCF A). Xu Zhicheng (Ph.D student)!
[Paper] 2024.01 Our SmartUpdater: Enabling Transparent and Automated Upgrading of Stateful Smart Contracts IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System (TPDS) (Under Review, CCF A). Song Yiqiao (Master student)!
[Paper] 2023.06 Our TAS: a Trusted Anti-Malicious-Behavior Scheme for NFT Marketplaces Based on Multiple Consortium Blockchains IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (TSC) (Under Review, CCF A). Gao Jie(Master student)!
[Paper] 2023.12 Our DePoL: Assuring Training Integrity in Collaborative Learning with Fair Incentives IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) ( CCF A). Xu Zhichen (Ph.D student)!
[Paper] 2023.12 Our Accelerating Cross-Shard Blockchain Consensus via Decentralized Coordinators Service with Verifiable Global States IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (TSC) (Accepted, CCF A). Zhou Kun (Ph.D student)!
[Paper] 2023.08 Our In-Contract State Access Control for Fast Vulnerability Detection and Prevention.IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (TIFS) (Accepted, CCF A). Congratulations Wenxiang SUN (master student)!
[Honor] 2023.06 祝贺孙哲获得浙江工业大学校级优秀硕士学位论文!
[Paper] 2023.05 Our privacy-preserving and verifiable middlebox paper accepted by IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking (ToN) (CCF A). Congratulations, Yiqiao SONG (master student)!
[Paper] 2023.04 Our robust machine learning verification paper accepted by ICDCS 2023 (CCF B, acceptance ratio: 83/439=18.9%). Congratulations, Zhicheng XU(Ph.D. candidate)!
[Paper] 2022.12 Our A Novel Scheme to Improve the Scalability of Bitcoin Combinicollng IPFS with Block Compression paper published by IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management (TNSM)(中科院二区). Congratulations, Kun ZHOU(master student)!
[Honor] 2022.11 祝贺周坤(硕博连读)、孙哲(硕士生)同时获得“杰出研究生”和“优秀成果一等奖”;江灿(硕士生)获得“优秀成果三等奖”等荣誉与奖励!
[Paper] 2022.10 Our cross-chain based trading framework paper accepted by IEEE IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (TSC) (CCF A). Congratulations, Zhe SUN (master student)!
[HOT Competition] 2022.08 我们的工作“隐私保护的区块链系统”获得阿里“天池大数据”竞赛赛道2“基于加密计算的创新应用设计与实践”第1赛季 第1名,祝贺孙文翔(硕士生)!
[Paper] 2022.06 Our ESS: An Efficient Storage Scheme for Improving the Scalability of Bitcoin Network paper published by IEEE IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management (TNSM)(中科院二区). Congratulations, Xiaoqing WANG(master student)!
[Honor] 2022.06 祝贺指导的本科生宋依荞(后留在团队攻读硕士)获得浙江工业大学校级优秀学士学位论文!
[Paper] 2022.05 Our An Intelligence Energy Consumption Model based on BP Neural Network in Mobile Edge Computing paper published by JPDC (CCF B). Congratulations, Zhou ZHOU (collaborator)!