

| 博士 副教授 硕士生导师




办公地址: 莫干山校区环境楼B515


电子邮箱: dongfeilong@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介

    博士,副教授,硕导。主要从事水污染控制研究,内容涉及水中污染物绿色去除技术、消毒副产物形成及控制机制、水质健康风险评估等。已在ACS NanoWater ResearchNano Energy等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、浙江省自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目。指导学生获浙江省大学生低碳循环科技创新大赛一等奖、浙江省大学生环境生态科技创新大赛二等奖等。



    18.10-19.10Georgia Institute of Technology,环境工程,联培博士;

    20.07- 22.12,浙江工业大学,环境学院,朝晖特聘副研究员;

    23.01- 至今,浙江工业大学,环境学院,副教授;

  • 教学与课程


  • 科研项目

    1. 铸铁管管垢表界面自由基介导的DBPs生成转化机制,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022.1-2024.12,主持

    2. 供水管网内松散沉积物介导的消毒副产物生成转化机制及水质健康风险浙江省自然科学基金,2022.1-2024.12,主持

    3. 海绵状铁氧体-CNx类芬顿催化氧化印染废水难降解苯胺有机物机制,绍兴市重点项目,2023.1-2024.12,主持

    4. 铜腐蚀产物表面自由基介导的芳香族消毒副产物生成转化机制,中国博士后面上基金,2021.6-2022.10,主持

  • 科研成果

    1. Dong Feilong, Zhu Jiani, Song Shuang*, Unveiling the Mechanism and Kinetics of Pollutant Attenuation by Free Radicals Triggered from Goethite in Water Distribution Systems[J].Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58, 28, 12664–12673.

    2.Dong Feilong, Zhu Jiani, Song Shuang*, Unveiling the transformation of 2,4,6-trihalophenols by active species in drinking water pipelines: The role of goethite[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 492: 152390.

    3. Dong Feilong, Fu Chuyun, Feng Mingbao, Wang Da, Song Shuang, Li Cong, Eric Lichtfouse, Li Jinzhe, Lin Qiufeng, Virender K. Sharma. Simultaneous generation of free radicals, Fe(IV) and Fe(V) by ferrate activation: A review[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 481: 148669.

    4. Li Jinzhe, Fu chuyun, Meng Zhu, Huang Xinwen, Song Shuang, Dong Feilong*. Mechanical energy triggered piezo-catalyzation of Bi2WO6 nanoplates on ferrate (Fe(VI)) oxidation in alkaline media: Performance and mechanism[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 348, 123862.

    5. Ma Xiaoyan, Cheng Jiayi, Zhang Peifeng, Wu Yifei, Deng Jing, Dong Feilong*, Li Xueyan, Andrea M. Dietrich. Impact of boiling on chemical and physical processes for reduction of halomethanes, haloacetonitriles, and haloacetic acids in drinking water[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 906: 167657.

    6. Dong Feilong, Fu Chuyun, Meng Zhu, Lin Qiufeng, Li Jinzhe, Zeng Tao, Wang Da, Tang Juntao, Song Shuang*. A two-stage Fe(VI) oxidation process enhances the removal of bisphenol A for potential application[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 907, 167879.

    7. Huang Yujing, Chen Zhiwei, He Guilin, Shao Yu, Song Shuang, Dong Feilong*, Zhang Tuqiao. Application of Ice Pigging in a Drinking Water Distribution System: Impacts on Pipes and Bulk Water Quality[J]. Engineering, 2024.

    8. Dong Feilong, Zhang Peifeng, Cheng Jiayi, Chen Jianing, Liu Tao, Ma Xiaoyan, Song Shuang*, Nie Shuangxi*. Triboelectric-photocatalytic coupling enhanced photogenerated electrons and holes utilization for efficient algal inactivation[J]. Nano Energy, 2023, 118: 108977.

    9. Li Jinzhe, Fu Chuyun, Lin Qiufeng, Zeng Tao, Wang Da, Huang Xinwen, Song Shuang, Li Cong, Dong Feilong*. Fe(VI) activation system mediated by a solar-driven TiO2 nanotubes electrode for CLQ degradation: Performances, mechanisms and pathways[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 452: 131274.

    10. He Yinning, Chen Yi, Li Jinzhe, Wang Da, Song Shuang, Dong Feilong*, He Zhiqiao*. Efficient degradation of 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine by catalytic ozonation over MnOx supported on biochar derived from waste tea leaves[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 464: 142525.

    11. Dong Feilong, Zhu Jiani, Li Jinzhe, Fu Chuyun, He Guilin, Lin Qiufeng, Li Cong and Song Shuang. The occurrence, formation and transformation of disinfection byproducts in the water distribution system: A review[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2023: 161497.

    12. Dong Feilong, Pang Zhen, Yang Shuyi, Lin Qiufeng, Song Shuang, Li Cong, Ma Xiaoyan* and Nie Shuangxi*. Improving wastewater treatment by triboelectric-photo/electric coupling effect[J]. ACS nano, 2022, 16(3): 3449-3475.(高被引)

    13. Dong Feilong, Pang Zhen, Lin Qiufeng, Wang Da, Ma Xiaoyan, Song Shuang and Nie Shuangxi. Triboelectric nanogenerator enhanced radical generation in a photoelectric catalysis system via pulsed direct-current[J]. Nano Energy, 2022, 100: 107515.

    14. Dong Feilong, Li Jinzhe, Lin Qiufeng, Wang Da, Li Cong, Shen Yi, Zeng Tao and Song Shuang. Oxidation of chloroquine drug by ferrate: Kinetics, reaction mechanism and antibacterial activity[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428: 131408.

    15. Dong Feilong, Pang Zhen, Yu Jianquan, Deng Jing, Li Xueyan, Ma Xiaoyan, Dietrich Andrea M. and Deng Yang. Spatio-temporal variability of halogenated disinfection by-products in a large-scale two-source water distribution system with enhanced chlorination[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 423: 127113.

    16. Jiang Bo, Li Jinzhe, Chen Xinyi, Huang Lu, Luo Shan, Xing Ying, Deng Jing, Song Shuang and Dong Feilong*. Synergistically enhanced activation of peroxymonosulfate by Fe3O4@ ZSM-5 catalysts for ciprofloxacin degradation: Performance, kinetics and mechanism insight[J]. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 50: 103234.

    17. Pang Zhen, Zhang Peifeng, Chen Xinyi, Dong Feilong*, Deng Jing, Li Cong, Liu Junping, Ma Xiaoyan and Dietrich Andrea M. Occurrence and modeling of disinfection byproducts in distributed water of a megacity in China: Implications for human health[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 848: 157674.

    18. Huang Yujing, Dong Feilong*, He Guilin, Lin Qiufeng, Wang Da, Shao Yu, Song Shuang and Zhang Tuqiao*. Review of Ice Slurry Pigging Techniques for the Water Supply Industry: Engineering Design and Application[J]. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2022, 2(7): 1144-1159.

    19. He Guilin, Zhang Tuqiao, Li Yunfei, Li Jinzhe, Chen Feiyong, Hu Jun and Dong Feilong*. Comparison of fleroxacin oxidation by chlorine and chlorine dioxide: Kinetics, mechanism and halogenated DBPs formation[J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 286: 131585.

    20. Dong Feilong, Lin Qiufeng, Li Cong, Wang Liping and García Andreina. UV/chlorination process of algal-laden water: algal inactivation and disinfection byproducts attenuation[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 257: 117896.

    21. Dong Feilong, Lin Qiufeng, Li Cong, He Guilin and Deng Yang. Impacts of pre-oxidation on the formation of disinfection byproducts from algal organic matter in subsequent chlor (am) ination: A review[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 754: 141955.(高被引)

    22. Dong Feilong, Li Cong, Ma Xingmao, Lin Qiufeng, He Guilin and Chu Shipeng. Degradation of estriol by chlorination in a pilot-scale water distribution system: Kinetics, pathway and DFT studies[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 383: 123187.

    23. Dong Feilong, Liu Jiaqi, Li Cong, Lin Qiufeng, Zhang Tuqiao, Zhang Kejia and Sharma Virender K. Ferrate (VI) pre-treatment and subsequent chlorination of blue-green algae: Quantification of disinfection byproducts[J]. Environment international, 2019, 133: 105195.

    24. Dong Feilong, Chen Jianing, Li Cong, Ma Xingmao, Jiang Jingjing, Lin Qiufeng, Lin Chenhong and Diao Hongyan. Evidence-based analysis on the toxicity of disinfection byproducts in vivo and in vitro for disinfection selection[J]. Water research, 2019, 165: 114976.

    25. Dong Feilong, Lin Qiufeng, Deng Jing, Zhang Tuqiao, Li Cong and Zai Xuedong. Impact of UV irradiation on Chlorella sp. damage and disinfection byproducts formation during subsequent chlorination of algal organic matter[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 671: 519-527.

    26. Dong Feilong, Li Cong, Lin Qiufeng and Duan Haojie. Effect of pipe materials on disinfection by-products and bacterial communities during sulfamethazine chlorination in a pilot-scale water distribution system[J]. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2019, 17: 1039-1044.

    27. Dong Feilong, Li Cong, Crittenden John, Zhang Tuqiao, Lin Qiufeng, He Guilin, Zhang Weiqiu and Luo Jinming. Sulfadiazine destruction by chlorination in a pilot-scale water distribution system: kinetics, pathway, and bacterial community structure[J]. Journal of hazardous materials, 2019, 366: 88-97.(高被引)

    28. Dong Feilong, Lin Qiufeng, Li Cong and Zhang Tuqiao. Evaluation of disinfection byproduct formation from extra-and intra-cellular algal organic matters during chlorination after Fe (vi) oxidation[J]. RSC advances, 2019, 9(70): 41022-41030.

    29. Dong Feilong, Li Cong, He Guilin, Chen Xinbo and Mao Xinwei. Kinetics and degradation pathway of sulfamethazine chlorination in pilot-scale water distribution systems[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 321: 521-532.

  • 育人成果



    1. 第二届全国大学生低碳循环科技创新大赛,国赛特等奖,第一指导教师

    2. 第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,国赛三等奖,第一指导教师

    3. 浙江省大学生低碳循环科技创新大赛,省赛一等奖,第一指导教师

    4. 浙江省大学生环境生态科技创新大赛,省赛二等奖,第一指导教师


    6. 第十届大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛校选拔赛,校赛一等奖,第一指导教师

