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[1] Ding Wei-long, Hao-han Chen, Zang-xin Wan, Li-feng Xu, Xin-guo Xu,Yu-ping Zhang. Dynamic simulation of branch deformation under snow pressure. International Journal of Modeling Simulation and Scientific Computing. 2024, 2450024: 1-19.
[2] Ding, W.-L., Liao, W.-Y., Zhu, X.-J., Zhu, H.-B.: A novel automatic annotation method for whole slide pathological images combined clustering and edge detection technique. IET Image Process, 2024, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1049/ipr2.13045 (SCI)
[3] Ding Wei-long, Zhu Xiao-jie, KuiZheng, Jin-long Liu, Qing-hua You. A Multi-level Feature-Fusion-Based approach to Breast Histopathology Image Classification. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express,2022, 8: 05500. (SCI)
[4] Wei-long Ding, Ze-yongZong, Xiao Ding, Ke-ji Mao. Hamate classification method based on feature-enhanced residual network and probabilistic joint judgment. IET Image Processing, 2022,1-13 (SCI)
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[6] Ding Wei-long , Zhao Ying-li ,Xin Wei-tao,et al. Parameter extraction method of virtual plant growth model based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2021,191,106470.(JCR 1区,IF=5.494)
[7] Ding Wei-long, Zhu Xiao-jie, Xu bin, et al. The Interactive Modeling Method of Virtual City Scene Based on Building Codes. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2021,15(1):74-89. (JCR 4区)
[8] Ding Weilong , Fan Chengcheng, Xu Lifeng , et al. Optimization Method to Obtain Appropriate Spacing Parameters for Crop Cultivation. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2020,13(1): 146–152. (JCR 2区,IF=2.137)
[9] Ding Wei-long, Xiao Ding, et al. A Computer Model for Simulating the Bicycle Rider's Behavior in a Virtual Riding System. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2020,14(3):1026-1042.(JCR 4区)
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[33] 丁维龙,朱峰龙,郑魁,贾秀鹏. 多尺度信息交互与融合的乳腺病理图像分类方法[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2024, 29(04):0248-0262)
[34] 丁维龙,朱伟,廖婉茵,刘津龙,汪春年,祝行琴. 感受野扩增的轻量级病理图像聚焦质量评估网络[J]. 中国图象图形学报. 2024,29(11): 3447-3461
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1、丁维龙,范诚诚,辛卫涛,万臧鑫. 一种基于水稻模型的稻瘟病传播机制模拟方法,技术发明专利,ZL 2020 1 0257664.1
2、丁维龙,徐岩,陈凯,徐彬,万藏鑫. 一种用于植物群体虚拟仿真的植株碰撞检测方法, ZL201810352123.X
3、丁维龙,金梦杰,徐岩,徐彬,陈凯,万藏鑫,王华,辛卫涛,薛莉莉. 一种基于虚拟模型的植物叶片雾滴沉积量统计方法, ZL201810352100.9
4、丁维龙,徐彬,陈凯,徐岩,金梦杰,万藏鑫,王华,辛卫涛,薛莉莉. 一种基于建筑规范的城市场景模型布局约束方法, ZL 201810234164.9
5、丁维龙,陈凯,徐岩,徐彬,金梦杰,万臧鑫,王华,辛卫涛,薛莉莉. 一种基于模型的虚拟自行车骑手骑速的计算方法. ZL201810118266.4
6、丁维龙,吴水生,徐利锋. 一种比较不同植物形态相似度的计算机方法, ZL201310504139.5
[1] “农业智能系统技术体系研究与平台研发及其应用”,安徽省科技进步一等奖,2004,排名14;
[2] “农业智能系统技术体系研究与平台研发及其应用”,国家科学技术进步二等奖,2008,排名15;
[3] “农作物安全生产数字化管理关键技术研究与应用”,浙江省科学技术奖三等奖,2012,排名7;
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