1.D.Z.Feng, etc.,“Pricing and collection for printer cartridge recycling under retailers' ordering and collection”,Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 276,2020,122814.(JCR1区,TOP期刊)
2.D.Z.Feng, etc.,“Smart logistics based on the internet of things technology: an overview”, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, DOI: 10.1080/13675567.2020.1757053.(SCI/SSCI,TOP期刊SCI:LM0HZ)
3. D.Z.Feng, etc., “Decisions of the Dual-Channel Supply Chain under Double Policy Considering Remanufacturing”, International Journal of Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019, 16(3):20. (JCR 2区,SCI/SSCI,IF= 2.608)
4. 4.D.Z.Feng, etc., “Analysis of Evolution Mechanism and Optimal Reward-Penalty Mechanism for Collection Strategies in Reverse Supply Chains: The Case of Waste Mobile Phones in China”, Sustainability, 2018, 10(12):17. (JCR 2区, SCI/SSCI,IF=2.177 )
5.D.Z.Feng, etc., “Design of cellular manufacturing system with quasi-dynamic dual resource using multi-objective GA“,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 1 July 2013 Vol.51(14), SCI:184KW, JCR 2区
6.D.Z.Feng, etc., “A Large and Heavy Cargo Transport System Designed for Small and Medium Ship Maintenance and Repair “, JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN, July, 2017卷:33期:212-220, SCI收录
7.D.Z.Feng, etc., “Toward Efficient Merchant Shipbuilding Based on the Lean Production Methodology” , JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN, NOV 2016 卷:32期:245-257 ,SCI收录
8.“基于博弈论的再制造逆向物流定价决策”. 控制与决策, 2018年第4期,ISSN:1001-0920,EI期刊,通讯作者
9.“外部种群完全反馈的元胞差分算法设计及应用”.计算机集成制造系统, 2017年第8期, ISSN:1006-5911, EI期刊,通讯作者
10.“外协加工资源选择模型研究”. 北京邮电大学学报, 2013年第3期,ISSN:1007-5321,EI: 20133416650718,通讯作者
11.“基于改进Fishbone的物流仓库布局优化”. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013年第11期,ISSN:1000-6788,EI: 20140217188042,通讯作者
12.“产品关键特性的识别过程与分解方法”.中国机械工程, 2013年第15期, ISSN:1004-132X, A类期刊,通讯作者
13.“基于集对分析与改进模式匹配算法的产品规划方法”. 中国机械工程, 2013年第8期, ISSN:1004-132X, A类期刊, 通讯作者
14.“基于运动轨迹误差分析的送料性能评估”. 纺织学报,2012年第9期, ISSN:0253-9721,A类期刊, 通讯作者
15.“基于改进遗传算法的制造单元设计研究”,中国机械工程(ISSN 1004-132X),第22卷第1期,pp.39-44, 2011年, A类期刊,通讯作者
16.D.Z. Feng, L.L.Chen & M.M.Jiang,“A Novel Game-theory-based Analysis Approach for Running a Supply Chain Project”,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence(ISSN 0302-9743),Vol.4114(2006), pp1014-1019. SCI: BEY13
17.D.Z.Feng & M.M.Yamashiro, “A pragmatic approach for optimal selection of plant-specific process plans in a virtual enterprise”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology(ISSN: 0924-0136),Vol.173 (2006) , pp.194–200. SCI:027GH,JCR 2区
18.D.Z. Feng, M. Yamashiro & L.L.Chen, “A Novel Approach for Vendor Combination Selection in Supply Chain Management”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743);, Vol.3809(2005), pp.1331-1334, SCI:BDW41
19.D.Z. Feng & M. Yamashiro, “Optimal Production Policy for a Manufacturing System with Volume Flexibility in a Supply Chain under Lumpy Demand”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ISSN: 0268-3768), Vol.25(2005), pp.777-784, SCI: 924KW,JCR 2区
20.D.Z. Feng, & L.B. Zhang, “Optimal Production Policy for a Volume-Flexibility Supply-Chain System”, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743), Vol.3645(2005), pp.900-909, SCI: BDC10
21.D.Z. Feng & M. Yamashiro, “Optimal Production Policy for a Two-Stage Production System Under Lumpy Demand”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743); Vol.3809(2005), pp.1173-1179, SCI: BDW41
22.D.Z. Feng and M. Yamashiro, “A decision-making model for a two-stage production-delivery system in SCM environment”, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems (ISSN:0385-4221), Vol.124-C(2004), No.10, pp.1952-1957
23.D.Z. Feng, L.L.Chen & M.X.Jiang, “Evaluation and Selection of Vendor Combination in Global Supply Chain System”, Proceedings of 2005 ICMA2005 (IEEE Press), Vol.2, pp.1129-1133, 2005年7月. EI: 05469480256
24.D.Z. Feng and M. Yamashiro, “Operations Planning for a Two-stage Production System under Lumpy Demand”, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ (IEEE Press), Vol.2, pp.1257-1262, 2004年9月, EI: 05108869424
25.D.Z. Feng, M.X.Jiang & L.L.Chen, “Lead-time Planning in Stochastic Production System: An Approach Using Perturbation Analysis”, Proceedings of ICMA2005 (IEEE Press), Vol.2, pp.1134-1138, 2005年7月. EI: 05469480257
26.D.Z. Feng, M. Yamashiro & L.B. Zhang, “Economic Production Quantity for Supply Chain System with Volume Flexibility”, Proceedings of IEEE EEE’05 (IEEE Press), Vol.1, pp.302-308, 2005年3月, EI: 06049662967
27.D.Z. Feng & M. Yamashiro, “Setting Planned Lead-time in a Stochastic Production Environment”, Proceedings of SICE-04 Annual Conf. ( IEEE Press), Vol.2, pp.2143-2147, 2004年8月, EI: 05068825520.
28. D.Z. Feng, L.L. Chen & M. Yamashiro, “A Methodology for the Design of a Virtual Enterprise”, Proceedings of SICE-04 Annual Conf. (IEEE Press), Vol.2, pp.2557-2560, 2004年8月, EI: 0506882559