Last updated:2024.08.20
Total visits:10

Hong JIA

| Doctor Associate professor Please Select



Research direction:

Office Location: RM C301, Mechanical Building


Email: hjia@zjut.edu.cn

Mobile phone access
  • Biography

    Dr  Hong  JIA is  an  associate  professor  in  the  school  of  Mechanical  Engineering  in Zhejiang University of Technology. Her teaching courses cover 'Engineering Drawing', 'Mechanical Parts Surveying and Mapping', 'Solid Modeling and Product Design', and she also advises international students diploma work. Dr JIA has research experiences in IAI Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Germany and Design Exploration Lab in Brigham Young University USA. She has directed and implemented projects funding from government and companies. And her research results have been published in academic journal and international conferences. Her research interests focus on Engineering Design Methods: sustainable design; product data management.


Last updated:2024.08.20
Total visits:10