刘立芬,博士,教授,博士生导师。2005年7月获国家海洋局第二海洋研究所海洋化学专业理学硕士学位,同年8月进入浙江工业大学化材学院工作;2012年3月获浙江大学化学工程专业工学博士学位,2013年3月至2014年5月赴美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Eric M.Hoek教授团队访学15个月;2014年9月调入浙江工业大学膜分离与水科学技术中心(高从堦院士团队)工作,先后担任中心主任助理和中心副主任;2020年7月调入浙江工业大学化学工程学院,担任安全工程学科副主任,并兼任浙江省应急管理学院反应风险评价中心主任。主要从事高性能复合反渗透/纳滤膜开发,集成膜分离技术(反渗透、纳滤、电渗析等)的应用与示范,以及化工安全技术与管理等方面的研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目5项(含子课题1项)、省“领雁”科技计划项目1项、省科技计划重点研发项目1项、省自然科学基金联合重点项目1项、国家“973计划”课题分项1项、省自然科学基金一般项目2项、企业横向开发项目2项及其他省级项目总计10余项。荣获中国纺织工业联合会科技进步二等奖1项(第一完成人)和ISPT2024“Young Membrane Scientist Award”。发表论文及会议报告有80余篇,其中SCI收录论文60多篇,申请和获授权国家发明专利10余项。担任国家自然科学基金委通讯评审专家,以及JMS、AIChE、Desalination、Water research、Separation and Purification Technology、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Macromolecules、Scientific Reports等国际知名期刊论文评审专家,并多次受邀担任ICOM、ASM、全国膜与膜过程会议等本领域权威国际国内学术会议的分会主席及论文、墙报评审专家。
4、基于集成膜法印染废水资源化处理的关键技术研究与应用示范(2019C03094), 浙江省科技计划重点研发项目,2019.1-2021.12,主持。
6、聚酰胺反渗透复合膜的多尺度模拟研究(21774077),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2018.01-2021.12,子课题负责人(与上海交通大学合作)。
7、LbL自组装法二次调控反渗透复合膜的微结构与性能研究(LY13B060006), 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,2013.01-2015.12,主持。
8、耐污染抗氧化复合反渗透膜的设计、制备及成膜机理研究(21006096), 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2011.01-2013.12,主持。
10、节能型高分子复合膜的微结构调控与制备方法(2009CB 623402),国家“973计划”课题委托(子课题),2009.08-2011.02,主持。
13、农用抗生素清洁生产中膜分离技术的应用(2006年度),浙江省重中之重应用化学学科开放基金项目,2006.7- 2008.6,主持。
1. Yang Li, Tian-Hui Chen, Chun-Yang Yu, Tao Wu, Xue-Ting, Jie-Feng Pan, Li-Fen Liu*, Facile polyamide microstructure adjustment of the composite reverse osmosis membrane assisted by PF127/SDS mixed micelles for improving seawater desalination performance, Desalination, 2022, 521:115395.
2. Fang-Fang Chen, Ting Su, Xue-Ting Zhao, Jie-Feng Pan, Li-Fen Liu*, A rigid-flexible interpenetrating polyamide reverse osmosis membrane with improved antifouling property fabricated via two step modifications, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 637: 119625.
3. Xiao Zhang, Tian-Hui Chen, Fang-Fang Chen, Hao Wu, Chun-Yang Yu, Li-Fen Liu*, and Cong-Jie Gao, Structure adjustment for enhancing the water permeability and separation selectivity of the thin film composite nanofiltration membrane based on a dendritic hyperbranched polymer, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 618: 118455.
4. Mengqi Shi, Wentao Yan#, Chenxi Dong, Lifen Liu*, Shijie Xie, Congjie Gao, Solvent activation before heat-treatment for improving reverse osmosis membrane performance, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 595: 117565.
5. Rui-Han Li, Yang Li, Hao Wu, Wen-Tao Yan, Chun-Yang Yu, Li-Fen Liu* and Cong-Jie Gao, Structure regulation for synergistically improving the permeation properties of the reverse osmosis membrane based on an amphiphilic hyperbranched polymer, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 608: 118143..
6. Hao Wu, Xiao Zhang, Xue-Ting Zhao, Ke Li, Chun-Yang Yu, Li-Fen Liu*, Yong-Feng Zhou and Cong-Jie Gao. High Flux Reverse Osmosis Membranes Fabricated with Hyperbranched Polymers via Novel Twice-crosslinked Interfacial Polymerization Method, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 595: 117480-117488.
7. XIE Xin, ZHANG Xiao, LI Rui-Han, SONG Xiao-Xiao, LIU Li-Fen*, GAO Cong-Jie, Microstructure regulation of the reverse osmosis membrane to improve the boron removal performance, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universityies-Chinese, 2019, 40(9): 2033-2040.
8. Li-Fen Liu, * Xin Xie, Sa-Ren Qi, Rui-Han Li, Xiao Zhang, Xiao-Xiao Song, and Cong-Jie Gao. Thin film nanocomposite reverse osmosis membrane incorporated with UiO-66 nanoparticles for enhanced boron removal, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 580: 101-109.
9. Tao Wu, Yang Liu, Guo-dong Zhu, Zhen-nan Li, Zhuan Yi*, Li-fen Liu**, Cong-jie Gao. Point-by-point comparisons of permselectivity and fouling-resistance of membranes prepared from blending with di-block and tri-block copolymers, Polymer, 2019, 185: 121949
10. Xueting Zhao*, Ning Jia, Lijuan Cheng, Lifen Liu*, Congjie Gao. Metal-polyphenol coordination networks: Towards engineering of antifouling hybrid membranes via in situ assembly, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 563: 435-446.
11. Xueting Zhao*, Ning Jia, Lijuan Cheng, Lifen Liu*, Congjie Gao. Dopamine-induced biomimetic mineralization for in situ developing antifouling hybrid membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 563: 435-446.
12. Li-Fen Liu*, Hao Wu, Rui-Han Li, Chun-Yang Yu, Xue-Ting Zhao* and Cong-Jie Gao. Modification of poly(amide-urethane-imide) (PAUI) thin film composite reverse osmosis membranewith nano-silver particles, RSC Advances, 2018, 8:37817-37827.
13. Li-Fen Liu, * Xiang Huang, Xiao Zhang, Ke Li, Yan-Li Ji, Chun-yang Yu and Cong-Jie Gao. Modification of polyamide TFC nanofiltration membrane for improving separation and antifouling properties, RSC Advances, 2018, 8(27): 15102-15110.
14. Li-Fen Liu*, Xing-Ling Gu, Sa-Ren Qi, Xin Xie, Rui-Han Li, Ke Li, Chun-Yang Yu and Cong-Jie Gao. Modification of Polyamide-Urethane (PAUt) Thin Film Composite Membrane for Improving the Reverse Osmosis Performance, Polymers, 2018, 10(4): 346-358.
15. Li-Fen Liu*, Xing-Ling Gu, Xin Xie, Rui-Han Li, Chun-Yang Yu, Xiao-Xiao Song and Cong-Jie Gao. Modification of PSf/SPSf Blended Porous Support for Improving the Reverse Osmosis Performance of Aromatic Polyamide Thin Film Composite Membranes, Polymers, 2018, 10(6): 1-15.
16. Li-Fen Liu*, Hao Wu,# Rui-Han Li,# Chun-yang Yu, Xue-Ting Zhao,* and Cong-Jie Gao. Modification of poly(amide-urethane-imide) (PAUI) thin film composite reverse osmosis membrane with nano-silver particles, RSC Advances, 2018, 8(66): 37817-37827.
17. Ke Li, Lifen Liu, Hao Wu, Shanlong Li, Chunyang Yu*, Yongfeng Zhou, Wei Huang and Deyue Yan, Understanding the temperature effect on transport dynamics and structures in polyamide reverse osmosis system via molecular dynamics simulations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20(47): 29996-30005.
19. Hao Wu, Xiao-Lin Chen, Xiang Huang, Hui-Min Ruan, Yan-Li Ji, Li-Fen Liu*, Cong-Jie Gao. A novel semi-aromatic polyamide TFC reverse osmosis membrane fabricated from a dendritic molecule of trimesoylamidoamine through a two-step amine-immersion mode, RSC advances, 2017, 7: 39127.
20. Chunyang Yu, Li Ma, Ke Li, Shanlong Li, Yannan Liu, Lifen Liu*, Yongfeng Zhou*, and Deyue Yan, Computer Simulation Studies on the pH-Responsive Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Carboxy-Terminated Polyester Dendrimers in Aqueous Solution, Langmuir, 2017, 33: 388−399
21. Yan Chao Xu, Yu Pan Tang,Li Fen Liu*, Zhan Hu Guo*, Lu Shao*,Nanocomposite organic solvent nanofiltration membranes by a highly efficient mussel-inspired co-deposition strategy, Journal of membrane science, 2017, 526: 32-42.
22. Ming-Bang Wu, Yan Lv, Hao-Cheng Yang, Li-Fen Liu*, Xi Zhang, Zhi-Kang Xu*, Thin film composite membranes combining carbon nanotube intermediate layer and microfiltration support for high nanofiltration performances, Journal of membrane science, 2016, 515: 238-244.
23. Shu Xiong, Jian Zuo, Yuan Gui Ma, Lifen Liu, Hao Wu and Yan Wang, Novel thin film composite forward osmosis membrane of enhanced water flux and anti-fouling property with N-[3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl] ethylenediamine incorporated, Journal of membrane science, 2016, 520: 400-414.
24. Li-Fen Liu*, Zhi-Bin Cai, Jiang-Nan Shen, Li-Xiang Wu, Eric M.V. Hoek, Cong-Jie Gao, Fabrication and characterization of a novel poly(amide -urethane@imide) TFC reverse osmosis membrane with chlorine- tolerant property, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 469: 397-409.
25. Li-Fen LIU*, De-Zhi XU, Lin Zhang and GAO Cong-Jie*. Preparation and Characterization of a novel polyimide-urethane composite reverse osmosis membrane material. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2012, 33(7): 1605-1612.
26. Li-Fen LIU*, Pei-Qing MAO, De-Zhi XU, Lin Zhang and GAO Cong-Jie*. Chemical structure and performance of a novel polyimide-urethane composite reverse osmosis membrane material. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2012, 33(4): 833-837.
27. Li-Fen Liu, Lan-Lan Yang, Ke-Yong Jin, Li-Guang Wu, Dan-Qian Xu* and Cong-Jie Gao. Recovery of L-tryptophan from isoelectric crystallization wastewater by combined membrane processes, Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 66: 243-249.
28. Lanlan YANG, Lifen LIU*, Yiming LI, Peiqing Mao and Danqian XU*. Preparation of water-soluble ionic liquids by electrodialysis. Journal of Chemistry and Engineering (China), 2009, 60: 1838-1842.
29. Li-Fen Liu, San-Chuan Yu, Li-Guang Wu, Cong-Jie Gao*. Study on a novel polyamide-urea reverse osmosis composite membrane (ICIC-MPD) III. Analysis of membrane electrical properties. Journal of Membrane Science, 2008, 310: 119-128.
30. Li-Fen Liu, San-Chuan Yu, Li-Guang Wu, Cong-Jie Gao*. Study on a novel polyamide-urea reverse osmosis composite membrane (ICIC-MPD) II. Analysis of membrane antifouling performance. Journal of Membrane Science, 2006, 283: 133-146.
31. Li-Fen Liu, San-Chuan Yu, Yong Zhou, Cong-Jie Gao*. Study on a novel polyamide-urea reverse osmosis composite membrane (ICIC-MPD) I. Preparation and characterization of ICIC-MPD membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 2006, 281: 88-94.