§ Shanshan Li; Dongxu Lv; Jia Chu; Ning Ai; Controlling Polymeric Supramolecular Microstru ctures through Host–Guest Interactions Assisted with Ultrasound Oscillation, Crystal Growth & Design, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.1c01000, 2022
§ Shanshan Li; Xiaobo Liu; Hao Zhang; Yuhua Mao; Tangxin Zhang; Jianli Wang; Shape-Tunable Polymeric Janus Nanoparticles with Hollow Cavities Derived From Polymerization Induced Self-Assem bly Based Crosslinked Vesicles, Chemical Communications, 2022, 58(13): 2228-2231
§ Shanshan Li; Dongxu Lv; Ning Ai; Jialong Shen; Alan E. Tonelli; A New Two-Step Strategy for Encapsulating Amorphous Polymer Chains in Thiourea Crystals, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 221(20): 2000269
§ Shanshan Li; Mehedi H. Rizvi; Brian B. Lynch; Joseph B. Tracy; Ericka Ford; Flexible Cyclic-Poly(phthalaldehyde)/Poly(ε-caprolactone) Blend Fibers with Fast Daylight-Triggered Transience, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2020, 42(7): 2000657
§ Shanshan Li; Jialong Shen; Alan E. Tonelli; Self-assembled Complexation of Urea with Poly (methyl methacrylate): A Potential Method for Small Molecule Encapsulation in PMMA, Polymer, 2018, 156: 95-101
§ Shanshan Li; Jialong Shen; Alan E. Tonelli; The Influence of a Contaminant in Commercial PMMA, a Purification Method for its Removal, and its Consequences. Polymer, 2018, 135, 355-361.
§ Shanshan Li; Jialong Shen; Alan E. Tonelli; Attempted Determination of the Structures of Complex Aliphatic Co-Polyesters. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 218(22), 1700258.