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Xiangjie Kong

| Doctor Professor Doctoral supervisor

Research direction: Urban Computing, Mobile Computing, Social Computing

Office Location: A408, Computer Building, Pingfeng Campus

Email: xjkong@ieee.org

Mobile phone access
  • Biography

    Dr. Xiangjie Kong is currently a Full Professor and Acacemic Associate Dean in the College of Computer Science & Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), China. Previously, he was an Associate Professor in School of Software, Dalian University of Technology (DUT), China, where he was the Head of the Department of Cyber Engineering. He is the Founding Director of City Science of Social Computing Lab (The CSSC Lab) (http://cssclab.cn/). He is/was on the Editorial Boards of 6 International journals. He has served as the General Chair or Program Chair of more than 10 conferences. Dr. Kong has authored/co-authored over 200 scientific papers in international journals and conferences including IEEE TKDE, IJCAI, ACL, IEEE TMC, ACM CSUR, ACM TKDD, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TII, IEEE TITS, IEEE NETW, IEEE COMMUN MAG, IEEE TVT, IEEE IOJ, IEEE TSMC, IEEE TETC, IEEE TASE, IEEE TCSS, ACM TSON, ACM TSAS, WWWJ, etc.. 5 of his papers is selected as ESI- Hot Paper (Top 1‰), and 20 papers are ESI-Highly Cited Papers (Top 1%).  His research has been reported by Nature Index and other medias. He has been invited as Reviewers for numerous prestigious journals including IEEE TKDE, IEEE TMC, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TII, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE COMMUN MAG, IEEE NETW, IEEE TITS, TCJ, JASIST, etc.. Dr. Kong has authored/co-authored three books (in Chinese). He has contributed to the development of 14 copyrighted software systems and 30 filed patents. He has an h-index of 51 and i10-index of 122, and a total of more than 8600 citations to his work according to Google Scholar. He is named in the 2019 - 2023 world’s top 2% of Scientists List published by Stanford University. He is named in the 2022-2024 Best Computer Science Scientists List published by Research.com. Dr. Kong received IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Best Land Transportation Paper Award, IEEE CSCWD 2024 Best Paper Award, and The Natural Science Fund of Zhejiang Province for Distinguished Young Scholars. He has been invited as Keynote Speaker at more thant 10 international conferences, and delivered a number of Invited Talks at international conferences and many universities worldwide.  His research interests include big data, network science, and computational social science. He is a Distinguished Member of CCF, a Senior Member of IEEE, a Full Member of Sigma Xi, and a Member of ACM.

  • Publications

    List of Publications

    Books Edited:

    [1]            Xiangjie Kong, Liangtian Wan, Feng Xia. Computer Networks, Mechanical Industry Press, 2018. (in Chinese)

    [2]            Zhaolong Ning, Xiangjie Kong, Zhuo Yang, Feng Xia. Introduction to Big Data, Science Press, 2017. (in Chinese)

    [3]            Feng Xia, Xiangjie Kong, Lin Yao. Advanced Computer Networks, Tsinghua University Press, 2014. (in Chinese)

    Book Chapters:

    [4]           Feng Xia, Xiangjie Kong, and Zhenzhen Xu. Cyber-Physical Control over Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks with Packet Loss, in: Wireless Networking Based Control, edited by Sudip K. Mazumder, Springer, 2011, pp: 85-102.



    [5]       Xiangjie Kong, Bing Zhu, Guojiang Shen, Tewabe chekole Workneh, Zhanhao Ji, Yang Chen, and Zhi Liu. Spatial-Temporal-Cost Combination based Taxi Driving Fraud Detection for Collaborative Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2021.3111536

    [6]       Zhi Liu, Wendi Shu, Guojiang Shen, and Xiangjie Kong. Coordinated ramp signal optimization framework based on time series flux-correlation analysis. PeerJ Computer Science 7 (2021): e446.

    [7]       Mingliang Hou, Lei Wang, Jiaying Liu, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. A3Graph: adversarial attributed autoencoder for graph representation learning. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 1697-1704. 2021.

    [8]       Xiangjie Kong, Kailai Wang, Mingliang Hou, Xinyu Hao, Guojiang Shen, Xin Chen, Feng Xia, A Federated Learning-based License Plate Recognition Scheme for 5G-enabled Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17, no.(12) , pp.8523–8530, 2021

    [9]       Xiangjie Kong, Haoran Gao, Guojiang Shen, Gaohui Duan, Sajal K. Das, FedVCP: A Federated Learning based Cooperative Positioning Scheme for Social Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2021.3062053

    [10]   Ren, Jing, Feng Xia, Xiangtai Chen, Jiaying Liu, Mingliang Hou, Ahsan Shehzad, Nargiz Sultanova, and Xiangjie Kong. Matching Algorithms: Fundamentals, Applications and Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TETCI.2021.3067655

    [11]   Guojiang Shen, Zhenzhen Zhao, Xiangjie Kong, GCN2CDD: A Commercial District Discovery Framework via Embedding Space Clustering on Graph Convolution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18, no.(1), pp. 356-364, 2022

    [12]   Xiangjie Kong, Kailai Wang, Shupeng Wang, Xiaojie Wang, Xin Jiang, Yi Guo, Guojiang Shen, Xin Chen, and Qichao Ni, Real-time Mask Identification for COVID-19: An Edge Computing-based Deep Learning Framework. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3051844

    [13]   Xiangjie Kong, Jiaxing Li, Luna Wang, Guojiang Shen, Yiming Sun, and Ivan Lee. Recurrent-DC: A deep representation clustering model for university profiling based on academic graph. Future Generation Computer Systems 116 (2021): 156-167.

    [14]   Jiaxing Li, Luna Wang, Yiming Sun, Guojiang Shen, Ivan Lee, Xiangjie Kong, More Complex More Productive: Characterizing Top Universities Based on Research Publications. In 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2021.

    [15]   Liangtian Wan, Feng Xia, Xiangjie Kong, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Runhe Huang, and Jianhua Ma. Deep Matrix Factorization for Trust-Aware Recommendation in Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8, no. 1 (2020): 511-528.

    [16]   Si Shen, Guojiang Shen, Yang Shen, Duanyang Liu, Xi Yang, Xiangjie Kong. PGA: An Efficient Adaptive Traffic Signal Timing Optimization Scheme Using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Algorithm. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 14, no. 11 (2020): 4268-4289.

    [17]   Guojiang Shen, Lintao Guan, Jiajia Tan, and Xiangjie Kong. DeepTSW: An Urban Traffic Safety Warning Framework Based on Bayesian Deep Learning. In Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health, pp. 50-63. Springer, Singapore, 2020.

    [18]   Yizhen Xie, Qichao Ni, Osama Alfarraj, Haoran Gao, Guojiang Shen, Xiangjie Kong, and Amr Tolba. DeepCF: A Deep Feature Learning-Based Car-Following Model Using Online Ride-Hailing Trajectory Data. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8816681, 2020.

    [19]   Xiao Han, Guojiang Shen, Xi Yang, Xiangjie Kong. Congestion Recognition for Hybrid Urban Road Systems via Digraph Convolutional Network. Transportation Research Part C. 2020. 121. 102877

    [20]   Feng Xia, Jiaying Liu, Jing Ren, Wei Wang, and Xiangjie Kong. Turing number: how far are you to AM Turing award?. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter Autumn (2020): 1-8.

    [21]   Wei Wang, Neeraj Kumar, Junxin Chen, Zhiguo Gong, Xiangjie Kong, Wei Wei, and Honghao Gao. Realizing the Potential of Internet of Things for Smart Tourism with 5G and AI. IEEE Network 34, no.(6) , pp.295–301, 2020.

    [22]   Xiangjie Kong, Haoran Gao, Osama Alfarraj, Qichao Ni, Chaofan Zheng, and Guojiang Shen. HUAD: Hierarchical Urban Anomaly Detection Based on Spatio-Temporal Data. IEEE Access 8 (2020): 26573-26582.

    [23]   Mingliang Hou, Jing Ren, Da Zhang, Xiangjie Kong, Dongyu Zhang, and Feng Xia. Network embedding: Taxonomies, frameworks and applications. Computer Science Review 38 (2020): 100296.

    [24]   Wei Wang, Feng Xia, Hansong Nie, Zhikui Chen, Zhiguo Gong, Xiangjie Kong, and Wei Wei. Vehicle trajectory clustering based on dynamic representation learning of internet of vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22, no.(6) , pp.3567–3576, 2021.

    [25]   Xiangjie Kong, Jun Zhang, Da Zhang, Yi Bu, Ying Ding, Feng Xia. The Gene of Scientific Success. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. 14, no. 4 (2020): 41.

    [26]   Noor Ullah, Xiangjie Kong, Limei Lin, Mubarak Alrashoud, Amr Tolba, and Feng Xia. Real-time dissemination of emergency warning messages in 5G enabled selfish vehicular social networks. Computer Networks (2020): 107482.

    [27]   Xiangjie Kong, Shiqin Tong, Haoran Gao, Guojiang Shen, Kailai Wang, Mario Collotta, Ilsun You, Sajal Das. Mobile Edge Cooperation Optimization for Wearable Internet of Things: A Network Representation-based Framework, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17, no.(7) , pp.5050–5058, 2021

    [28]   Xiangjie Kong, Jiannong Cao, Hongyi Wu, Ching-Hsien Hsu. Mobile crowdsourcing and pervasive computing for smart cities, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 61 (2020) 101114.

    [29]   Guojiang Shen, Xiangyu Zhu, Wei Xu, Longfeng Tang, and Xiangjie Kong. Research on Phase Combination and Signal Timing Based on Improved K-Medoids Algorithm for Intersection Signal Control. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3240675, 2020.

    [30]   Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Zhenhuan Fu, Xiaoran Yan, Amr Tolba, Zafer Almakhadmeh. TBI2Flow: Travel Behavioral Inertia Based Long-Term Taxi Passenger Flow Prediction. World Wide Web 23, no. 2 (2020): 1381-1405.

    [31]   Xiaojie Wang, Yufan Feng, Zhaolong Ning, Xiping Hu, Xiangjie Kong, Bin Hu, and Yi Guo. A collective filtering based content transmission scheme in edge of vehicles. Information Sciences 506 (2020): 161-173.

    [32]   Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Jianxin Li, Mingliang Hou, Menglin Li, Yong Xiang. A Shared Bus Profiling Scheme for Smart Cities Based on Heterogeneous Mobile Crowdsourced Data. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16, no.(2) , pp.1436–1444, 2020

    [33]   Xiangjie KongYajie Shi, Wei Wang, Kai Ma, Liangtian Wan, Feng Xia. The Evolution of Turing Award Collaboration Network: Bibliometric-level and Network-level Metrics, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 6, no. 6 (2019): 1318-1328.

    [34]   Jiaying Liu, Feng Xia, Lei Wang, Bo Xu, Xiangjie Kong, Hanghang Tong, Irwin King. Shifu2: A Network Representation Learning Based Model for Advisor-advisee Relationship Mining. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33, no. 4 (2021): 1763-1777.

    [35]   Feng Xia, Jiaying Liu, Hansong Nie, Yonghao Fu, Liangtian Wan, Xiangjie Kong. “Random Walks: A Review of Algorithms and Applications.” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence4, no. 2 (2019): 95-107.

    [36]   Feng Ding, Anfu Liu, Chenxu Bai, Bo Xu, Xiaoxia Liu, Shengtian Sang, Hongfei Lin Zhihao Yang, Jian Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Zhehuan Zhao, Feng Xia. Disease Gene Prediction Based on Heterogeneous Probabilistic Hypergraph Ranking. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 2021-2028. IEEE, 2019.

    [37]   Xiangjie Kong, Linyan Wen, Jing Ren, Mingliang Hou, Minghao Zhang, Kang Liu, and Feng Xia. Many-to-Many Collaborator Recommendation Based on Matching Markets Theory. In 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech), pp. 109-114. IEEE, 2019.

    [38]   Jie Hou, Hanxiao Pan, Teng Guo, Ivan Lee, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. Prediction methods and applications in the science of science: A survey. Computer Science Review 34 (2019): 100197.

    [39]   Jiaying Liu, Xiangjie Kong, Xinyu Zhou, Lei Wang, Da Zhang, Ivan Lee, Bo Xu, and Feng Xia. Data Mining and Information Retrieval in the 21st century: A bibliographic review. Computer Science Review 34 (2019): 100193.

    [40]   Jing Ren, Lei Wang, Kailai Wang, Shuo Yu, Mingliang Hou, Ivan Lee, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. API: An Index for Quantifying a Scholar’s Academic Potential. IEEE Access 7 (2019): 178675-178684.

    [41]   Xiangjie Kong, Mengyi Mao, Huizhen Jiang, Shuo Yu, and Liangtian Wan. How does collaboration affect researchers’ positions in co-authorship networks?. Journal of Informetrics 13, no. 3 (2019): 887-900.

    [42]   Liangtian Wan, Lu Sun, Xiangjie Kong, Yuyuan Yuan, Ke Sun, and Feng Xia. “Task-Driven Resource Assignment in Mobile-Edge Computing Exploiting Evolutionary Computation”, IEEE Wireless Communications 26, no. 6 (2019): 94-101.

    [43]   Zhaolong Ning, Peiran Dong, Xiaojie Wang, Lei Guo, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Xiangjie Kong, Jun Huang, Ricky Y. K. Kwok. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Internet of Vehicles: An Energy-Efficient Computational Offloading Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 5, no. 4 (2019): 1060-1072.

    [44]   Zhaolong Ning, Yufan Feng, Mario Collotta, Xiangjie Kong, Xiaojie Wang, Lei Guo, Xiping Hu, Bin Hu, Deep Learning in Edge of Vehicles: Exploring Tri-Relationship for Data Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15, no. 10 (2019): 5737-5746.

    [45]   Xiangjie Kong, Xiaoteng Liu, Behrouz Jedari, Menglin Li, Liangtian Wan, Feng Xia. Mobile Crowdsourcing in Smart Cities: Technologies, Applications and Future Challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal6, no. 5, pp.8095–8113,2019.

    [46]   Feng Xia, Jinzhong Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Da Zhang, Zhibo Wang. Ranking Station Importance with Human Mobility Patterns Using Subway Network Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21, no. 7 (2019): 2840-2852.

    [47]   Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Kai Ma, Jianxin Li, Qiuyuang Yang. Discovering Transit-Oriented Development Regions of Mega Cities Using Heterogeneous Urban Data, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems6, no. 5 (2019): 943-955.

    [48]   Wei Wang, Bo Xu, Jiaying Liu, Zixin Cui, Shuo Yu, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia.  CSTeller: forecasting scientific collaboration sustainability based on extreme gradient boosting. World Wide Web 22, no. 6 (2019): 2749-2770.

    [49]   Jinzhong Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, and Lijun Sun. 2019. Urban Human Mobility: Data-Driven Modeling and Prediction. SIGKDD Explorations. 21, 1 (May 2019), 1-19.

    [50]   Xiangjie Kong, Menglin Li, Gaoxing Zhao, Huijie Zhang, Feng Xia. COOC: Visual Exploration of Co-occurrence Mobility Patterns in Urban Scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 6, no. 3 (2019): 403-413.

    [51]   Zhaolong Ning, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Weigang Hou, and Xiaojie Wang. Green and Sustainable Cloud of Things: Enabling Collaborative Edge Computing. IEEE Communications Magazine, 57, no. 1 (2019): 72-78.

    [52]   Wei Wang, Jiaying Liu, Zhuo Yang, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. SCORE: Sustainable Collaborator Recommendation Based on Conference Closure. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 6, no. 2 (2019): 311-322.

    [53]   Jiaying Liu, Jiahao Tian, Xiangjie Kong, Ivan Lee, and Feng Xia. Two decades of information systems: a bibliometric review. Scientometrics (2019) 118: 617-643

    [54]   Xiangjie Kong, Kai Ma, Shen Hou, Di Shang, and Feng Xia. Human Interactive Behavior: A Bibliographic Review. IEEE Access 7 (2019): 4611-4628.

    [55]   Xiaomei Bai, Mengyang Wang, Ivan Lee, Zhuo Yang, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. Scientific Paper Recommendation: A Survey. IEEE Access 7 (2019): 9324-9339.

    [56]   Rui Chen, Qingyi Hua, Bo Wang, Min Zheng, Weili Guan, Xiang Ji, Quanli Gao, and Xiangjie Kong. A Novel Social Recommendation Method Fusing User’s Social Status and Homophily Based on Matrix Factorization Techniques. IEEE Access 7 (2019): 18783-18798.

    [57]   Xiangjie Kong, Lei Liu, Shuo Yu, Andong Yang, Xiaomei Bai, Bo Xu. 2019. Skill ranking of researchers via hypergraph. PeerJ Computer Science 5:e182 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.182

    [58]   Xiangjie Kong, Yajie Shi, Shuo Yu, Jiaying Liu, and Feng Xia. Academic social networks: Modeling, analysis, mining and applications. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 132 (2019): 86-103.

    [59]   Guoqiang Liang, Haiyan Hou, Peili Ren, Yi Bu, Xiangjie Kong, and Zhigang Hu. Understanding Nobel Prize-winning articles: a bibliometric analysis. CURRENT SCIENCE 116, no. 3 (2019): 379-385.

    [60]   Liwei Cai, Jiahao Tian, Jiaying Liu, Xiaomei Bai, Ivan Lee, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. Scholarly impact assessment: a survey of citation weighting solutions. Scientometrics 118, no. 2 (2019): 453-478.

    [61]   Xiangjie Kong, Menglin Li, Tao Tang, Kaiqi Tian, Luis Moreira-Matias, Feng Xia. Shared Subway Shuttle Bus Route Planning Based on Transport Data Analytics,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15, no. 4, pp.1507–1520, 2018.

    [62]   Xiangjie Kong, Mengyi Mao, Wei Wang, Jiaying Liu, Bo Xu. VOPRec: Vector Representation Learning of Papers with Text Information and Structural Identity for Recommendation, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9, no. 1, pp.226–237, 2021.

    [63]   Xiangjie Kong, Menglin Li, Kai Ma, Kaiqi Tian, Mengyuan Wang, Zhaolong Ning, Feng Xia. Big Trajectory Data: A Survey of Applications and Services, IEEE Access, 6 (2018): 58295-58306

    [64]   Xiangjie Kong, Menglin Li, Jianxin Li, Kaiqi Tian, Xiping Hu, and Feng Xia. CoPFun: an urban co-occurrence pattern mining scheme based on regional function discovery. World Wide Web 22, no. 3 (2019): 1029-1054.

    [65]   Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Zhaolong Ning, Azizur Rahim, Yinqiong Cai, Zhiqiang Gao, Jianhua Ma, Mobility Dataset Generation for Vehicular Social Networks Based on Floating Car Data,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67, no. 5, pp.3874–3886, 2018.

    [66]   Xiangjie Kong, Ximeng Song, Feng Xia, Haochen Guo, Jinzhong Wang, and Amr Tolba. LoTAD: long-term traffic anomaly detection based on crowdsourced bus trajectory data. World Wide Web21, no. 3, pp.825–847, 2018.

    [67]   Xiangjie Kong, Kai Ma, Shen Hou, Di Shang, and Feng Xia. Human Interactive Behaviour: A Bibliographic Review. IEEE Access 7 (2018): 4611-4628.

    [68]   Jialong Zhang, Jianguo Yan, Maolong Lv, Xiangjie Kong, and Pu Zhang. UAV Formation Flight Cooperative Tracking Controller Design. In 2018 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), pp. 856-861. IEEE, 2018.

    [69]   Xiangjie Kong, Mengyi Mao, Jiaying Liu, Bo Xu, Ruihe Huang, and Qun Jin. TNERec: Topic-Aware Network Embedding for Scientific Collaborator Recommendation. In 2018 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI), pp. 1007-1014. IEEE, 2018.

    [70]   Zhaolong Ning, Peiran Dong, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. A cooperative partial computation offloading scheme for mobile edge computing enabled Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6, no. 3 (2019): 4804-4814.

    [71]   Zhaolong Ning, Xiaojie Wang, Xiangjie Kong, and Weigang Hou. A social-aware group formation framework for information diffusion in narrowband internet of things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5, no. 3 (2018): 1527-1538.

    [72]   Jialong Zhang, Jianguo Yan, Pu Zhang, and Xiangjie Kong. Design and Information Architectures for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Cooperative Formation Tracking Controller. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 45821-45833.

    [73]   Rui Chen, Qingyi Hua, Yan-Shuo Chang, Bo Wang, Lei Zhang, and Xiangjie Kong. A Survey of Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommender Systems: from Traditional Methods to Hybrid Methods Based on Social Networks. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 64301-64320.

    [74]   Tao Tang, Xiangjie Kong, Menglin Li, Jinzhong Wang, Guojiang Shen, and Xinshuang Wang. VISOS: A Visual Interactive System for Spatial-temporal Exploring Station Importance Based on Subway Data. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 42131-42141.

    [75]   Laisen Nie, Yongkang Li, and Xiangjie Kong. Spatio-Temporal Network Traffic Estimation and Anomaly Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 40168-40176.

    [76]   Tianhan Gao, Xinyang Deng, Yingbo Wang, and Xiangjie Kong. PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme based on Identity-based Signature in VANETs. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 37480-37492.

    [77]   Jiaying Liu, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Xiaomei Bai, Lei Wang, Qing Qing, and Ivan Lee. Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century, IEEE Access 6 (2018): 34403-34421.

    [78]   Noor Ullah, Xiangjie Kong, Liangtian Wan, Honglong Chen, Zhibo Wang, and Feng Xia. A Social Utility-Based Dissemination Scheme for Emergency Warning Messages in Vehicular Social Networks. The Computer Journal, 61, no. 7, pp.971–986, 2018.

    [79]   Jiaying Liu, Tao Tang, Wei Wang, Bo Xu, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. A Survey of Scholarly Data Visualization, IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1): 19205-19221.

    [80]   Jiaying Liu, Tao Tang, Xiangjie Kong, Amr Tolba, AL-Makhadmeh Zafer, and Feng Xia. Understanding the advisor–advisee relationship via scholarly data analysis. Scientometrics (2018) 116: 161-180.

    [81]   Jinzhong Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Wenhong Zhao, Amr Tolba, Zafer Al-Makhadmeh, and Feng Xia. STLoyal: A Spatio-Temporal Loyalty-Based Model for Subway Passenger Flow Prediction. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 47461-47471.

    [82]   Tao Tang, Xin Dong, Jinzhong Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Azizur Rahim, Xuannian Yu, and Yulin Li. FISS: Function identification of subway stations based on semantics mining and functional clustering. IET Intelligent Transport Systems12, no. 7 (2018): 558-567.

    [83]   Jialong Zhang, Jianguo Yan, Pu Zhang, and Xiangjie Kong. Collision Avoidance in Fixed-Wing UAV Formation Flight Based on a Consensus Control Algorithm. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 43672-43682.

    [84]   Bo Xu, Lu Li, Jiaying Liu, Liangtian Wan, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. Disappearing Link Prediction in Scientific Collaboration Networks. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 69702-69712.

    [85]   Feng Xia, Azizur Rahim, Xiangjie Kong, Meng Wang, Yinqiong Cai, and Jinzhong Wang, Modeling and Analysis of Large-Scale Urban Mobility for Green Transportation,  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics14 no. 4, pp.1469–1481, 2018.

    [86]   Xiaomei Bai, Fuli Zhang, Jie Hou, Ivan Lee, Xiangjie Kong, Amr Tolba, and Feng Xia. Quantifying the impact of scholarly papers based on higher-order weighted citations. PloS one 13, no. 3 (2018): e0193192.

    [87]   Feng Xia, Jinzhong Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Zhibo Wang, Jianxin Li, and Chengfei Liu. Exploring Human Mobility Patterns in Urban Scenarios: A Trajectory Data PerspectiveIEEE Communications Magazine. 2018 Mar;56(3):142-149.

    [88]   Azizur Rahim, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Zhaolong Ning, Noor Ullah, Jinzhong Wang, and Sajal K. Das. Vehicular Social Networks: A survey. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 43 (2018): 96-113.

    [89]   Liangtian Wan, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Joint Range-Doppler-Angle Estimation for Intelligent Tracking of Moving Aerial Targets, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5, no. 3 (2018): 1625-1636.

    [90]   Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Jinzhong Wang, Azizur Rahim, and Sajal K. Das. Time-Location-Relationship Combined Service Recommendation Based on Taxi Trajectory Data. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13, no. 3, pp.1202–1212, 2017.

    [91]   Zhaolong Ning, Yuqing Liu, and Xiangjie Kong. Social gene—A new method to find rising stars. In Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), 2017 International Symposium on, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2017.

    [92]   Zhaolong Ning, Feng Xia, Noor Ullah, Xiangjie Kong, and Xiping Hu, Vehicular Social Networks: Enabling Smart Mobility, IEEE Communications Magazine 55, no. 5 (2017): 16-55.

    [93]   Weijing Qi, Qingyang Song, Xiangjie Kong, and Lei Guo. A traffic-differentiated routing algorithm in Flying Ad Hoc Sensor Networks with SDN cluster controllers. Journal of the Franklin Institute 356, no. 2 (2019): 766-790.

    [94]   Lu Li, Wei Wang, Shuo Yu, Liangtian Wan, Zhenzhen Xu, and Xiangjie Kong. A Modified Node2vec Method for Disappearing Link Prediction. In Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 15th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence & Computing, 3rd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech), 2017 IEEE 15th Intl, pp. 1232-1235. IEEE, 2017.

    [95]   Jinzhong Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Azizur Rahim, Feng Xia, Amr Tolba, Zafer Al-Makhadmeh, IS2Fun: Identification of Subway Station Functions Using Massive Urban Data, IEEE Access, 5 (2017): 27103-27113.

    [96]  Bin Feng, Xiangjie Kong, Han Yao, Junyi Li, Jiusheng Peng. Study on routing protocol based on traffic density in VANET. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 10, no. 6 (2017): 481-487.

    [97]   Xiangjie Kong, Huizhen Jiang, Wei Wang, Teshome Megersa Bekele, Zhenzhen Xu, and Meng Wang. Exploring dynamic research interest and academic influence for scientific collaborator recommendation. Scientometrics  113.1 (2017): 369-385.

    [98]   Jun Zhang, Zhaolong Ning, Xiaomei Bai, Xiangjie Kong, Jinmeng Zhou, and Feng Xia. Exploring time factors in measuring the scientific impact of scholars. Scientometrics 112, no. 3 (2017): 1301-1321.

    [99]   Mengkun Li, Huan Li, Huiying Lv, Xiangjie Kong, Bin Feng, Tanggao Nong, Shijian Gao, and Jie Liu. An improved GPSR protocol based on stratification of traffic density. In Information and Automation (ICIA), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1162-1167. IEEE, 2017.

    [100]             Xiaomei Bai, Hui Liu, Fuli Zhang, Zhaolong Ning, Xiangjie Kong, Ivan Lee, and Feng Xia. An Overview on Evaluating and Predicting Scholarly Article Impact. Information 8, no. 3 (2017): 73.

    [101]             Zhaolong Ning, Yuqing Liu, Xiaojie Wang, Yufan Feng, and Xiangjie Kong. A Novel QoS-Based QoE Evaluation Method for Streaming Video Service. In Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 956-961. IEEE, 2017.

    [102]             Wei Wang, Shuo Yu, Teshome Megersa Bekele, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. Scientific collaboration patterns vary with scholars’ academic ages. Scientometrics 112, no. 1 (2017): 329-343.

    [103]             Xiangjie Kong, Huizhen Jiang, Teshome Megersa Bekele, Wei Wang, and Zhenzhen Xu. Random Walk-based Beneficial Collaborators Recommendation Exploiting Dynamic Research Interests and Academic Influence. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, pp. 1371-1377. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017

    [104]             Xiaomei Bai, Jie Hou, Hongzhuang Du, Xiangjie Kong*, and Feng Xia. Evaluating the Impact of Articles with Geographical Distances between Institutions. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, pp. 1243-1244. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017.

    [105]             Zhaolong Ning, Qingyang Song, Yao Yu, Yujuan Lv, Xing Wang, and Xiangjie Kong. Energy‐aware cooperative and distributed channel estimation schemes for wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Communication Systems 30, no. 5 (2017): e3074.

    [106]             Wei Wang, Zixin Cui, Tong Gao, Shuo Yu, Xiangjie Kong, and Feng Xia. Is Scientific Collaboration Sustainability Predictable?. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, pp. 853-854. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017.

    [107]             Ahmedin Mohammed Ahmed, Xiangjie Kong, Li Liu, Feng Xia, Saeid Abolfazli, Zohreh Sanaei, and Amr Tolba. BoDMaS: Bio-inspired Selfishness Detection and Mitigation in Data Management for Ad-hoc Social Networks. Ad Hoc Networks 55 (2017): 119-131.

    [108]             Xiangjie Kong, Zhenzhen Xu, Guojiang Shen, Jinzhong Wang, Qiuyuan Yang, and Benshi Zhang. Urban traffic congestion estimation and prediction based on floating car trajectory data. Future Generation Computer Systems 61 (2016): 97-107.

    [109]             Wei Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Jun Zhang, Zhen Chen, Feng Xia, and Xianwen Wang. Editorial behaviors in peer review. SpringerPlus 5, no. 1 (2016): 1-11.

    [110]             Xin Dong, Xiangjie Kong*, Fuli Zhang, Zhen Chen, and Jialiang Kang. OnCampus: a mobile platform towards a smart campus. SpringerPlus 5, no. 1 (2016): 974.

    [111]             Zhenzhen Xu, Fuli Zhang, Wei Wang, Haifeng Liu, Xiangjie Kong, Exploiting Trust and Usage Context for Cross-Domain Recommendation, IEEE Access, 4 (2016): 2398-2407.

    [112]             Zhenzhen Xu, Huizhen Jiang, Xiangjie Kong, Jialiang Kang, Wei Wang, and Feng Xia, Cross-domain item recommendation based on user similarity. Computer Science and Information Systems 13, no. 2 (2016): 359-373.

    [113]             Huang, Xianping, Wanliang Wang, Guojiang Shen, Xiaoqing Feng, and Xiangjie Kong. Crowd Activity Classification Using Category Constrained Correlated Topic Model. KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems 10, no. 11 (2016): 5530-5546.

    [114]             Mario Collotta, Daniel G. Costa, Francisco Falcone, and Xiangjie Kong. New challenges of real-time wireless sensor networks: Theory and applications. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2016): 1550147716668071.

    [115]         Zhaolong Ning, Feng Xia, Xiangjie Kong, and Zhikui Chen. Social-Oriented Resource Management in Cloud-Based Mobile Networks, IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine, 2016, 16: 34-41

    [116]         Xiangjie Kong, Huizhen Jiang, Zhuo Yang, Zhenzhen Xu, Feng Xia, and Amr Tolba. Exploiting Publication Contents and Collaboration Networks for Collaborator Recommendation. PloS one 11, no. 2 (2016): e0148492.

    [117]         Zhenzhen Xu, Yongxing Zou, and Xiangjie Kong. Meta-heuristic algorithms for parallel identical machines scheduling problem with weighted late work criterion and common due date. SpringerPlus 4, no. 1 (2015): 1-13.

    [118]         Xiangjie Kong, Jinmeng Zhou, Jun Zhang, Wei Wang, and Feng Xia. TAPRank: A Time-Aware Author Ranking Method in Heterogeneous Networks. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on SocialCom, pp. 242-246. IEEE, 2015.

    [119]         Qiuyuan Yang, Jinzhong Wang, Ximeng Song, Xiangjie Kong, Zhenzhen Xu, and Benshi Zhang. Urban traffic congestion prediction using floating Car trajectory data. In International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, pp. 18-30. Springer International Publishing, 2015.

    [120]         Zhaolong Ning, Zhikui Chen, and Xiangjie Kong. A Trust-Based User Assignment Scheme in Ad Hoc Social Networks.IEEE HPCC, pp. 1774-1778, 2015.

    [121]         Qiuyuan Yang, Zhiqiang Gao, Xiangjie Kong, Azizur Rahim, Jinzhong Wang, and Feng Xia. Taxi Operation Optimization Based on Big Traffic Data. In Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on, pp. 127-134. IEEE, 2015.

    [122]         Haifeng Liu, Xiangjie Kong, Xiaomei Bai, Wei Wang, Teshome Megersa Bekele, and Feng Xia. Context-Based Collaborative Filtering for Citation Recommendation. Access, IEEE 3 (2015): 1695-1703.

    [123]         Feng Xia, Linqiang Wang, Daqiang Zhang, Daojing He, and Xiangjie Kong*. An adaptive MAC protocol for real-time and reliable communications in medical cyber-physical systems. Telecommunication Systems 58, no. 2 (2015): 125-138.

    [124]         Zhaolong Ning, Qingyang Song, Lei Guo, and Xiangjie Kong. A novel adaptive spectrum allocation scheme for multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 56 (2015): 19-27.

    [125]         Li Liu, Qiuyuan Yang, Xiangjie Kong*, Hannan Bin Liaqat, Ahmedin Mohammed Ahmed, Nakema Deonauth, and Feng Xia. Com-BIS: A Community-Based Barter Incentive Scheme in Socially Aware Networking. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11, no. 8 (2015): 671012.

    [126]         Feng Xia, Fangwei Ding, Jie Li, Xiangjie Kong, Laurence T. Yang, and Jianhua Ma. Phone2Cloud: Exploiting computation offloading for energy saving on smartphones in mobile cloud computing. Information Systems Frontiers 16, no. 1 (2014): 95-111.

    [127]         Feng Xia, Xuhai Zhao, Jianhui Zhang, Jianhua Ma, and Xiangjie Kong. BeeCup: A bio-inspired energy-efficient clustering protocol for mobile learning.Future Generation Computer Systems 37 (2014): 449-460.

    [128]         Chuang Lin, Deshuai Su, Binghui Wang, Xiangjie Kong. Supervised Curvelet-based Face Recognition using Kernel Locality Preserving Projections. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2013, 9(9):3733-3740. 

    [129]         Feng Xia, Jie Li, Ruonan Hao, Xiangjie Kong, and Ruixia Gao. Service Differentiated and Adaptive CSMA/CA over IEEE 802.15.4 for Cyber-Physical Systems. The Scientific World Journal. 2013.Oct, 1-12.

    [130]         Feng Xia, Asabere, N.Y., Ahmed, A.M., Jing Li, Xiangjie Kong. Mobile Multimedia Recommendation in Smart Communities: A Survey.IEEE Access. 2013, 1(1): 606-624.

    [131]         Fatemeh Kaveh-Yazdy, Xiangjie Kong, Jie Li, Fengqi Li, Feng Xia. Customer Rating Prediction Using Hypergraph Kernel Based Classification. 2013 International Conference on Active Media Technology. Gunma, Japan. Oct. 2013, 187-192.

    [132]         Jie Wang, Kuanjiu Zhou, Kai Cui, Xiangjie Kong, Guang Yang. Evaluation of the Task Communication Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Queue Theory Approach. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications and IEEE Internet of Things and IEEE Cyber,Physical and Social Computing. Sep. 2013, 939-944.

    [133]         Feng Xia, Xuhai Zhao, Haifeng Liu, Jing Li, Xiangjie Kong. An Energy-Efficient and Load-Balanced Dynamic Clustering Protocol for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks.IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), Bangkok, Thailand. May. 2012, 215-220.

    [134]         Chuang Lin, Xirui Sun, Binghui Wang, Xiangjie Kong. Adaptive Quasiconformal Kernel Principle Component Analysis for MSTAR SAR Recognition.Information Technology Journal. 2012, 11: 1-7.

    [135]         Chuang Lin, Fei Peng, Binghui Wang, Weifeng Sun, Xiangjie Kong. Research on PCA and KPCA Self-Fusion Based MSTAR SAR Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology. 2012, 10(4): 352-357.

    [136]         Xiangjie Kong, Yu Qi, Xiumiao Song, Guojiang Shen. Modeling disease spreading on Complex Networks. Computer Science and Information Systems, 2011, 8(4): 1129- 1141.

    [137]         Lei Wang, Xiangjie Kong. A heterogeneous agent network model and its synchronization analysis.Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, 2011, 13(3): 12-17.

    [138]         Guojiang Shen, Xiangjie Kong, Xiang Chen. A short-term traffic flow intelligent hybrid forecasting model and its application. Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, 2011, 13(3): 65-73.

    [139]         Guojiang Shen, Xiaohu Wang, Xiangjie Kong. Short-term traffic volume intelligent hybrid forecasting model and its application. Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice 31, no. 3 (2011): 562-568. (in Chinese)

    [140]         YingYan Xu, Guojiang Shen, XiangJie Kong, and YiSheng Xie. Intersection Signal Control Technology with Bus Priority. Computer Engineering 37, no. 2 (2011): 148-150.

    [141]             Xiangjie Kong, Guojiang Shen, Feng Xia, Chuang Lin. Urban arterial traffic two-direction green wave intelligent coordination control technique and its application. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2011, 9(1): 60-68.

    [142]         Xiangjie Kong, Guojiang Shen, and Youxian Sun. Dynamic intelligent coordinated control with arterial traffic based on multi-agent. Journal of PLA University of science and technology (Natural science edition) 11, no. 5 (2010): 544-550. (in Chinese)

    [143]         Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Chuang Lin. Urban arterial traffic intelligent coordination control technique and its application. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2010, Jinan, China. 5042-5047.

    [144]         Xiangjie Kong, Guojiang Shen, and Tonghai Liang. Intelligent coordinated control of traffic flow on road network with bus-priority [J]. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) 43, no. 6 (2009): 1026-1031. (in Chinese)

    [145]         Guojiang Shen, Xiangjie Kong. Study on Road Network Traffic Coordination Technique with Bus Priority. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C: Applications and Reviews, 2009, 39(3): 343-351.

    [146]         Wei Li, Weiliang Zhu, Xiangjie Kong, and Guojiang Shen. A New Fast Vehicle License Plate Location Algorithm on Mathematical Morphology and Color Feature. Bulletin of Science and Technology 2 (2009): 214-219. (in Chinese)

    [147]         Lei Wang, Huaping Dai, Xiangjie Kong, Youxian Sun. Synchronization of Uncertain Complex Dynamical Networks via Adaptive Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated Journal 19, no. 5 (2009): 495-511.

    [148]         Lei Wang, Xiangjie Kong, Huan Shi, Huaping Dai, Youxian Sun. LMI-based Criteria for Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41(28): 2008, 28512(13pp).

    [149]         Xiangjie Kong, Guojiang Shen, Weiming Xu, Guoan Pan, and Youxian Sun. Multi-agent fuzzy signal control with bus priority. In Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008. WCICA 2008. 7th World Congress on, pp. 6937-6942. IEEE, 2008. (in Chinese)

    [150]             Xiangjie Kong, Guo-jiang SHEN, Wen JIN, and Youxian Sun. Design of an Intelligent Traffic Controller Based on Vehicle Detection Technology. Information and Control 36, no. 6 (2007): 760-766.

  • Courses

              Computer Networks: Principles (Fall 2020 - ): 48hours

  • Achievement

    AWARDS and Recognition

    ²  Named on the Top 2% Scientist in the World List published by Stanford University, 2021

    ²  IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Best Land Transportation Paper Award, 2020

    ²  Named on the Top 2% Scientist in the World List published by Stanford University, 2020

    ²  Natural Science Academic Achievement Award of Liaoning Computer Federation, second prize, 2020

    ²  Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Project Supervisor, Dalian University of Technology, 2020

    ²  Outstanding Graduate Teaching Achievement, Dalian University of Technology, 2019

    ²  Outstanding Associate Editor of IEEE Access, 2018

    ²  Outstanding Reviewer of JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, 2018

    ²  Outstanding Reviewer of JOURNAL OF ISA TRANSACTIONS, 2018

    ²  Natural Science Academic Achievement Award of Liaoning Province, third prize, 2017

    ²  Natural Science Academic Achievement Award of Liaoning Province, first prize, 2017

    ²  Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Project Supervisor, Dalian University of Technology, 2017

    ²  Natural Science Academic Achievement Award of Liaoning Province, first prize, 2016

    ²  Educational informationization Award in Liaoning Province, 2015

    ²  Natural Science Academic Achievement Award in Liaoning Province, third prize, 2014

    ²  Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Project Supervisor, Dalian University of Technology, 2013

    ²  Outstanding Master Supervisor of Dalian University of Technology, 2012

    ²  Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Project Supervisor, Dalian University of Technology, 2011

    ²  Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Project Supervisor, Dalian University of Technology, 2010

    ²  Excellent Postgradute Students’ award of Zhejiang University, 2009

    ²  Second-class Award of Honor for Graduate, 2008

    ²  Dankong Scholarship for Doctor, 2008

    ²  Second-class Award of Honor for Graduate, 2007

    ²  Dankong Scholarship for Doctor, 2007

  • Project

    Selected Research GRANTS

    ²  National Natural Science Foundation of China (62072409) (USD90,000): Research on Key Technology of Urban Travel Profiling with Missing Data Based on Graph Learning, 2021-2024, Lead Chief Investigator.

    ²  Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Outstanding Youth Fund) (LR21F020003) (USD130,000): Analysis and Modeling of Crowd Travel Behavior Based on Heterogeneous Urban Spatio-Temporal Data, 2021-2023, Lead Chief Investigator.

    ²  Fundamental Research Funds for the Provincial Universities of Zhejiang (RF-B2020001) (USD45,000) : Urban Area Profiling based on Spatio-Temporal Graph Learning, 2021-2022, Lead Chief Investigator.

    ²  National Natural Science Foundation of China (61572106) (USD110,000): Socially-Aware Efficient Data Delivery Schemes for Vehicular Social Networks, 2016-2019, Chief Investigator.

    ²  Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (201602154) (USD8,000): Data Driven Urban Traffic Flow Prediction and Optimization, 2016-2018, Lead Chief Investigator.

    ²  Dalian Science and Technology Program (2015R054) (USD16,000), Key Techniques for Urban Big Transport Data Processing and Applications, 2016-2017, Chief Investigator.

    ²  Dalian Science and Technology Program (2015A11GX015)(USD16,000), Smart service platform based on big traffic data, 2016-2017, Chief Investigator.

    ²  Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2015020003) (USD8,000): Urban Traffic Abnormal Event Detection Model Based on Location Data, 2015-2017, Chief Investigator

    ²  National Natural Science Foundation of China (61401060) (USD40,000): Research on Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Content Authentication and Copyright Protection, 2015-2017, Chief Investigator.

    ²  National Natural Science Foundation of China (61203165) (USD40,000): Urban Public Transport Network Modeling and Intersection Priority Control, 2013-2015, Lead Chief Investigator. 

  • Social Services

    Professional Activities

    §   Journal Editorial Board Member / Editor:

              Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (2021-)

              Electronics (2021-)

              Frontiers in Big Data (2020-)

              PeerJ Computer Science (2018-)

              IEEE Access (IEEE) (2017-2019)

              KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (2016-)

              SpringerPlus (Computer Science Advisory Board) (Springer) (2015-2016)

    §   Journal Guest Editor:

              Future Internet, Special Issue on Smart Systems for Healthcare, 2018

              IEEE Access, Special Issue on Advanced Big Data Analysis for Vehicular Social Networks, 2018

              Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Mobile Crowdsourcing and Pervasive Computing for Smart Cities, 2017

              International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Special Issue on New Challenges of Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications, 2015

    §   Conference Committees:

              Co-Chair: HotCPS 2011, CSMA 2016, WBDE 2021

              Publicity Chair: COMPLEX NETWORKS’20’21

              Program Committee Member: MobiCPS’10, ITST’11, ITST’13, ITST’15, VEHITS’15, VEHITS’16, ITST’17, VEHITS’17, Bigscholar’17, ICAT2E’17, DMS’17, ICC'18, UIC’18 ITST’18, VEHITS’18, MobiSPC’18, IOP’18, COMPLEX NETWORKS’18’19’20’21, Bigscholar’18, IEEE BIGDATA’18’19’20’21, ICC'19, UIC’19, ICDM’19

    §   Invited Reviewer for numerous prestigious journals, including e.g.:

              IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

              IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

              IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

              IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

              IEEE Communications Magazine

              IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine

              IEEE Internet of Things Journal

              The Computer Journal

              Journal of Informetrics

              Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

              Journal of Network and Computer Applications

              ISA Transactions

              Journal of the Franklin Institute

              Plos ONE

              IEEE Access



              IET Intelligent Transportation Systems

              Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

              International Journal of Communication Systems

              KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

              Computers & Electrical Engineering

              Advances in Mechanical Engineering

              Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

              International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

              Sustainable Computing, Informatics and Systems

              Pervasive and Mobile Computing

    §   Keynote Speeches:

              Mobile Crowdsourcing: Towards Smart Cities, ICoDT2 2021, Islamabad, Pakistan, May 2021. http://icodt2.seecs.edu.pk/

    §   Invited Talks (Selected):

              Data-driven Computational Social Science: From Academic Networks to Urban Networks, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou, China, January 2021.

              Analysis and Modeling of Crowd Travel Behavior based on Urban Spatio-Temporal Data, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, October 2020.

              Urban Big Data Modeling and Analysis, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China, January 2019.

              Mobile Crowd Sensing: Towards Smart City, Missouri S&T, Rolla MO, USA, October 2018.

              Data Driven Human Behavior Analysis and Application, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, November 2017.

              Computational Social Science Meets Big Scholar Data, Southwest University, Chongqing, China, December 2016.

              Urban Computing and Traffic Big Data, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, July 2016.

              Recent Advances in Urban Big Data, Jilin University, Changchun, China, July 2016.

              Analysis and Application of Urban Big Data, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China, December 2015.

              Urban Big Data, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China, May 2015.

              Analysis and Application of Urban Big Data, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China, June 2015.

              Model and Control of Urban Traffic, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, June 2010.


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