Last updated:2024.08.21
Total visits:10


| Please Select Associate professor Master Supervisor



Research direction:

Office Location: D545


Email: zhaobida@zjut.edu.cn

Mobile phone access
  • Biography

    Focus on the research of the steel structures, composite structures, structure seismic, and prefabricated building structures.

    long-term engaged in tearching work on the courses of steel structures,finite element,computer aid design, and structural design.

    Until now, published more than 90 academic papers, including more than 50 papers in SCI and EI journals.

  • Courses

    Steel Structures (Chinese and English),undergraduate students;

    CAD (Chinese),undergraduate students; 

    Finite element method (Chinese),graduate students;

    Advanced Steel Structures(Chinese),graduate students

  • Achievement

    As a supervisor, 15 graduate students have been supervised

  • Project

    Presided over or participated in more than 20 scientific research projects, including national projects, provincial projects and enterprise projects;

    Presided over or participated in more than 10 teaching reform projects;

    Edited textbook 4 textbooks (as the first editor), edited 4 standards


Last updated:2024.08.21
Total visits:10