

| 博士 讲师 硕士生导师

单位: 土木工程学院



办公地址: 土木学院C520


电子邮箱: qianrs63277@163.com

  • 个人简介

    钱如胜,特聘副研究员,硕士生导师,中共党员,主要专注水泥基材料固废及其固碳、微结构演变及其介质传输、耐久性及其寿命预测等研究东南大学材料科学与工程专业博士(导师张云升教授、长江学者;JIANFU SHAO教授、欧洲科学院院士/里尔大学),博士论文获“江苏省研究生培养创新工程研究生科研与实践创新计划”项目资助,期间获“国家奖学金(博士)”、“陈延年、王劲松教育奖学金(博士)”、“优秀共产党员(博士)”等;主持国家自然科学青年基金、浙江省自然科学青年基金、国家重点实验室青年基金等6项,以项目骨干参与国家973计划、十四五研发计划、尖兵领雁计划等国家级、省部级项目多项,主持相关横向课题数项;在相关领域发表学术论文40篇,申请发明专利20项,其中5项授权(1项PCT专利),研究成果获浙江省科技进步奖、中国公路学会科技进步奖等2项;担任Cement and Concrete Composites,Construction and Building Materials、材料导报、浙江大学学报等期刊审稿人;担任2022/2024级本科生班主任,获“先进班级”、“优秀本科生导师”等称号,指导学生获国家/省部级竞赛金、银、铜奖4项,“运河杯”院/校级立项2次,优秀毕业生荣誉2人次

  • 科研成果


    [1] Qian Rusheng; Zhang Yunsheng; Zhang Yu; Liu Cheng; Yang Lin and Kong Deyu*Effects of aqueous-phase speciation on Portland cement and supplementary cementitious materials as reflected using zeta potential of powder suspensions. Construction and Building Materials2022, 345: 128258. (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF= 7.693)

    [2] Qian Rusheng; Liu, Cheng; Liu Guojian; Liu Zhiyong; Pang Bo; She Wei; and Zhang Yunsheng*. Effects of various inlet-gas mediums on permeability of concrete under steady-state flow: Comparison between carbon-dioxide and oxygen. Cement & Concrete Composites2021, 119: 103995. (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF= 7.586)[3] Qian Rusheng; Zhang Yunsheng*; Liu Cheng; Liu Zhiyong; Zhang Yu; and Liu Guojian. Effects of supplementary cementitious materials on pore-solution chemistry of blended cements. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2021: 1988754. (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF=4.429)

    [4] Qian Rusheng; Shi jiashun; Liu Cheng; Liu Guojian; Liu Zhiyong; She Wei, Zhang Yu; Zhang Yunsheng*; and Liang Yue. Investigations on pore-structure in cementitious materials using gas intrusion porosimetry. Measurement, 2021, 171, 108816. (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF= 3.927)

    [5] Qian Rusheng; Shi jiashun; Liu Guojian; Pang Bo; Liu Zhiyong; She Wei; and Zhang Yunsheng*. Radial gas-permeability measurement in cement-based materials under steady-state flow. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2021, 79: 101896. (SCI, JCR-Q3, IF=2.037)

    [6] Qian Rusheng; Liu Guojian; Liu Zhiyong; She Wei; Qiao Hongxia; and Zhang Yunsheng*. Investigations on three-dimensional pore-structure in cementitious materials using metal centrifugation porosimetry and simulation, Materials Letters, 2021, 282:128684. (SCI, JCR-Q2, IF= 3.423)

    [7] Qian Rusheng; Shi Jiashun; Li Yan; Chen Wei; Liu Gguojian;Liu Zhiyong; She Wei; and Zhang Yunsheng* Investigation on parameters optimization for gas permeability testing of concrete: Inlet-gas pressure and confining pressure. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 250: 118901. (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF= 6.141)

    [8] Qian Rusheng; Zhang Yunsheng*; Liu Cheng; Yang Lin; Liu Guojian; and She Wei. Quantitative characterization of three-dimensional pore structure in hardened cement paste using X-ray microtomography combined with centrifuge driven metal alloy intrusion. Materials Characterization, 2018, 145: 277-283. (SCI, JCR-Q1, IF= 4.342)

    [9] 钱如胜; 张云升; 张宇; 杨永敢. 水泥-粉煤灰体系早龄期液相离子浓度与电导率的关系. 材料导报, 2018, 32(6): 2066-2071. (EI)

    [10] Qian Rusheng; Zhang Yunsheng*; Pang Bo; Liu Guojian and Liu Cheng. Quantitative characterization of three-dimensional pore structure in hardened cement paste using X-ray microtomography combined with metal centrifugation porosimetry. The 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC), 16-20 September 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral Presentation)


    [1] 钱如胜, 叶志波, 赵儒泽, 滕宇, 杨杨. 一种水泥基材料固碳强化方法及装置, 申请号,202211571154.7.

    [2] 钱如胜, 张云升, 顾春平, 刘金涛. 一种表征水泥基材料水蒸气稳态渗透的测试装置及方法, 发明专利,ZL202210748597.2, 授权公告日: 2024年09月17日.(授权发明专利)

    [3] 张云升, 钱如胜. 测定混凝土孔结构的方法及专用成型装置, 发明专利,ZL201710461648.2,授权公告日:20190820日.(授权发明专利)

    [4] Zhang Yunsheng, Qian RushengShi JiashunQiao Hongxia. Apparatus and method for testing radial gas permeability of concrete, 发明专利,LU101959, 授权公告日:20200224日.PCT授权发明专利)

    [5] 张云升, 杨林, 钱如胜, 刘乃东. 一种手持式高精度混凝土钻粉取样装置及取样方法,发明专利,ZL201810493056.3,授权公告日:2020年08月11日.授权发明专利)

    [6] 张云升, 钱如胜, 石加顺, 乔宏霞. 一种混凝土气体径向渗透性能测试装置及方法申请号:201910487153.6

    [7] 张云升, 钱如胜, 张王田. 一种混凝土三维裂缝表征装置与表征方法,申请号:201810174095.7

    [8] 张云升, 钱如胜. 一种低水胶比混凝土液相提取装置及方法,申请号:201710046996.3

  • 科研项目


    [1] 国家自然科学青年基金项目,52208292项目负责人2023.01-2025.12.

    [2] 浙江省自然科学青年基金项目,LQ23E080018项目负责人2023.01-2025.12.

    [3] 高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室青年基金项目,2022CEM009项目负责人2022.07-2024.06.

    [4] 浙江省属高校基本科研业务费-青年英才专项,RF-A2023015,项目负责人2023.06-2026.05.

    [5] 浙江省建设厅科研项目,2023K132,项目负责人2024.01-2025.12.

    [6] 浙江省博士后择优资助项目,ZJ2023068,项目负责人,2024.01-2026.12.

  • 教学与课程

    1. 《土木工程材料》、《画法几何与工程制图》、《新型建筑材料》、《文献检索与应用》、《工程伦理》、《大学生写作》等。

  • 育人成果



