(1) Han Xiangxi*, Ruan Weidong, Gu Jian, et al. Numerical study of the vortex-induced vibration of a riser taking into account the variation of the tension. Ships and Offshore Structures (2023): 1-15.
(2) Ruan Weidong*, Nie Qinglin, Lu Yutian, et al. A global-local approach for dynamic stress evaluation of lazy wave flexible risers subjected to random wave and vessel motion. Ships and Offshore Structures 18.6 (2023): 810-826.
(3) Ruan Weidong*, Wei Dai, Jianguo Wu. Study on motion transfer rule and extreme dynamic response of SCR’s top-end heave excitation. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology 20.3 (2021): 186-199.
(4) Shang Zhaohui, Ruan Weidong*, Qiao Hongdong, et al. Study on risk assessment and numerical simulation method of subsea manifold system. Ships and Offshore Structures 16.sup1 (2021): 245-255.
(5) Ruan Weidong*, Shi Jianchao, Sun Bo, et al. Study on fatigue damage optimization mechanism of deepwater lazy wave risers based on multiple waveform serial arrangement[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 228: 108926.
(6) Shang Zhaohui, Yan Huibin, Ruan Weidong*, et al. A Study on a Quantitative Analysis Method for Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment of Offshore Platforms. Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (2020): 1-20.
(7) Ruan Weidong*, Sun Bo, Wu Jianguo, et al. Three-Dimensional SCR Dynamic Analysis with Effects of Seabed Coulomb Friction and Structure Damping. Naval Engineers Journal 131.4 (2019): 149-162.
(8) Ruan Weidong*, Shang Zhaohui, Wu Jianguo. Effective static stress range estimation for deepwater steel lazy-wave riser with vessel slow drift motion. Ships and Offshore Structures 14.8 (2019): 899-909.
(9) Ruan Weidong*, Bai Yong, Zhang Tianyu, et al. Safety assessment study of a planned offshore floating platform pipelaying test. Ships and Offshore Structures 13.sup1 (2018): 202-213.
(10)Bai Yong, Liu Ting, Ruan Weidong*, et al. Mechanical behavior of metallic strip flexible pipe subjected to tension. Composite Structures 170 (2017): 1-10.
(11)Ruan Weidong*, Bai Yong, Yuan Shuai. Dynamic analysis of unbonded flexible pipe with bend stiffener constraint and bending hysteretic behavior. Ocean Engineering 130 (2017): 583-596.
(12)Bai Yong, Xu Weiping, Ruan Weidong, et al. On-bottom stability of subsea lightweight pipeline (LWP) on sand soil surface. Ships and offshore structures 12.7 (2017): 954-962.
(13)Ruan Weidong*, Liu Songhua, Li Yanyao, et al. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of deepwater steel lazy wave riser subjected to imposed top-end excitations. International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Vol. 49965. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
(14)Tang Gao*, Ruan Weidong, Huang Ting, et al. Pure Bending Behavior of Pipe Reinforced by Steel Wires (PSP)[C]//International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016, 49965: V005T04A012.
(15)Yuan Shuai*, Ruan Weidong, Han Peihua, et al. Behavior of Flexible Pipe Subjected to Internal Pressure[C]//International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016, 49965: V005T04A013.
(16)Ruan Weidong*, Liu Ting, Bai Yong, et al. Three-Dimensional Mechanical Analysis of Flexible Jumper Installation[C]//International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015, 56475: V001T01A046.
(17)Ruan Weidong, Yong Bai and Peng Cheng*. Static analysis of deepwater lazy-wave umbilical on elastic seabed. Ocean Engineering 91 (2014): 73-83.
(18)Bai Yong, Ruan Weidong, Peng Cheng*, et al. Buckling of reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) under combined bending and tension. Ships and Offshore Structures 9.5 (2014): 525-539.
(19)Bai Yong, Ruan Weidong*, Yuan Shuai, et al. 3D mechanical analysis of subsea manifold installation by drill pipe in deep water. Ships and Offshore Structures 9.3 (2014): 333-343.
(21)吴剑国,陈育,阮伟东*,李智博.波频和慢漂组合作用下钢悬链线立管疲劳损伤研究[J].海洋工程,2019,37(06):1-11.DOI:10.16483/j.issn.1005-9865.2019. 06.001.
(23)刘大辉,阮伟东*,白勇.J-lay铺管作业力学分析[J].海洋工程,2017, 35 (01) : 51-59.DOI:10.16483/j.issn.1005-9865.2017.01.006.
(25)Bai Qiang, Bai Yong, Ruan Weidong. Flexible Pipes, Wiley出版社, 2017(英文专著)。
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