1. Sun, H., Lu, J., Xu, S*., Weng, Z., Zhang, H., Deng, J., & Cui, C.. Effects of lime and polymer flocculants on consolidation behaviours of high-water content sludge. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2024, 1-12.
2. Xu Shanlin, Junqiang Shi, Jing deng, et al. Flocculation and dewatering of the Kaolin slurry treated by single- and dual-polymer flocculants[J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 328,138445.
3. Zhu Yanzhen, Sun Honglei, Xu Shanlin*, et al. Mechanics of the penetration and filtration of cementbased grout in porous media: New insights from CFD–DEM simulations[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 133: 104928.
4. Xu Shanlin, Zhu Yanzhen, Cai Yuanqiang, et al. Predicting the permeability coefficient of polydispersed sand via coupled CFD–DEM simulations[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 144: 104634. 3.
5. Xu Shanlin, Zhu Yanzhen, Cao Hongtao, et al. Studying the soil column formation in soft soil improved by vacuum preloading via coupled scale‐up CFD‐DEM simulations[J]. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2022, 46(7): 1272-1291.
6. Xu Shanlin, Cao Hongtao, Zhu Yanzhen, et al. Mechanism of Filtration Behaviors of Cement-Based Grout in Saturated Sand under Different Grouting Conditions[J]. Geofluids, 2022.
7. Xu Shanlin, Sun Honglei, Yuanqiang Cai, et al. Studying the orifice jamming of a polydispersed particle system via coupled CFD-DEM simulations[J]. Powder Technology, 2020, 368: 308-322.
8. Sun Honglei, Xu Shanlin, Pan Xiaodong, et al. Investigating the jamming of particles in a three-dimensional fluid-driven flow via coupled CFD–DEM simulations[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 114: 140-153.
9. Sun Honglei, Li D, Xu Shanlin*, et al. Modeling the process of cohesive sediment settling and flocculation based on CFD–DEM approach[J]. Granular Matter, 2019, 21(2): 33.
10. Xu Shanlin, Sun Rui, Cai Yuanqiang, et al. Study of sedimentation of non-cohesive particles via CFD-DEM simulations[J]. Granular Matter, 2018, 20(1): 4.
11. Shi Li, Wang Qiuqi, Xu Shanlin, et al. Numerical study on clogging of prefabricated vertical drain in slurry under vacuum loading[J]. Granular Matter, 2018, 20(4):74.
孙宏磊; 徐山琳; 胡正; 计算流体力学耦合离散元方法及其在岩土工程中的应用, 北京理工大学出版社, 2024
(1) 曹宏涛; 徐山琳; 孙宏磊; 朱彦臻; 王渤 ; 盾构掌子面动态切削注浆预测软件V1.0, 2023SR0531965, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2023-3-1 (软件著作权软件著作权)
(2) 徐山琳; 陆靖凌; 孙宏磊; 曹宏涛 ; 岩土工程淤泥沉降计算软件V1.0, 2023SR0577160, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2023-3-29 (软件著作权软件著作权)
(3) 朱彦臻; 徐山琳; 孙宏磊; 曹宏涛 ; 不同土体渗透系数计算软件V1.0, 2022SR0561998, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2022-3-14 (软件著作权软件著作权)
1. 徐山琳(2/13); 工程废弃泥浆绿色高效减量与资源化利用成套技术;浙江省岩土力学与工程科学技术奖,科技进步奖,一等奖,2024
2. 徐山琳(7/15); 广州南沙软土地基真空联合堆载预压处理及桩基选型关键技术研究, 广东省市政行业协会, 技术开发,一等奖,2023