

| 博士 教授 博士生导师


职务: 化学学科副主任


办公地址: 莫干山校区化工5-A319


电子邮箱: xiasj@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介



    2001.9-2005.7 天津城建大学(原天津城市建设学院)材料科学系 本科

    2005.9-2008.7 浙江工业大学化学工程学院 硕士

    2008.9-2012.9 浙江大学高分子系 博士


    2012.9-2014.9 浙江工业大学化学工程学院 博士后

    2014.9-2017.12 浙江工业大学化学工程学院 讲师

    2017.9-2018.9 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校化学系 访问学者

    2017.12-2023.12 浙江工业大学化学工程学院 副教授

    2023.12-至今 浙江工业大学化学工程学院 教授





  • 教学与课程




    [1] 夏盛杰。简明无机化学,2019年校级重点建设教材,2019.12

    [2] 夏盛杰,戴旭虹,薛继龙,程晶波,倪哲明。新高考背景下基于双主体的无机化学教学模式改革与探索,浙江省高等教育十三五第二批教学改革项目,2019.12

    [3] 夏盛杰,倪哲明,薛继龙,程晶波,曹晓霞。《无机化学》,2019年浙江省级精品在线开放课程认定。2020.03



    [6] 夏盛杰,戴旭虹,薛继龙,程晶波,倪哲明。大学化学基础,2019浙江省本科院校互联网+教学优秀案例(线上线下混合课程),一等奖,2019.12

    [7] 夏盛杰,倪哲明。大学化学基础,第三批国家级一流本科课程拟推荐,2024.01

  • 育人成果










    [1] 李媛、陈婷婷、李苓菱、姜想,2015年浙江省大学生化学竞赛,三等奖,指导教师(夏盛杰),2015.08

    [2] 唐恒炜、孟成伟、丁懿、张群锋,2016年浙江省大学生化学竞赛,三等奖,指导教师(夏盛杰),2016.08

    [3] 张冠华等,含CuAu等过渡金属的核壳体系光催化材料的构筑及性能探讨,浙江省第十六届挑战杯大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,二等奖,指导教师(夏盛杰),2019.05

    [4] 吕佳、梁鑫诗、李雨柔、顾雨欣,2019年浙江省大学生化学竞赛,一等奖,指导教师(夏盛杰),2019.08

    [5] 张冠华,王滢,戴甜甜,陈涛,方佳琪,黄梅,黄紫琪。春禾-苗木花卉优质土壤研发及推广,2020年第十三届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,三等奖,指导教师(夏盛杰),2020.08

    [6] 戴甜甜,王滢,张武剑,袁鑫鑫,杜月,高枝妍,秦宇杭。光催化降解VOCs装备的研发和催化剂性能探究,2021年浙江省大学生挑战杯学科竞赛,三等奖,指导教师(夏盛杰),2021.05

    [7] 袁梓滢等,2021年浙江省大学生化学竞赛,一等奖,指导教师(夏盛杰),2021.12

  • 科研项目


    [1] 晶面依赖性的双空位超薄VBi+O-BiVO4(040)光催化氮气还原,2024年国家自然科学基金面上项目,22478349,50W。(2025.01.01–2028.12.31)在研

    [2] 基于双内建电场的晶面定向负载Cu2O-LaOBr合成氨光催化剂研究2022年国家自然科学基金面上项目,2227837154W。(2023.01.01–2026.12.31)在研

    [3] 基于层状杂化体系的复合金属氧化物制备及光解六氯苯的机理研究,2015年国家自然科学基金青年基金,2150318824.9W。(2016.01–2018.12)结题

    [4] LDHs基多金属氧化物薄膜的合成及光电催化性能研究,2015年浙江省自然科学基金青年基金,LQ15B0300025W。(2015.01–2017.12)结题

    [5] 浙江省石灰与水泥生产过程碳排放因子实测与核算,2013年浙江省公益性项目,2013C3301420W2013.07–2015.09)结题


    [1] 用于处理金属加工车间粉尘及废气的催化吸附材料的研发,杭州富阳振兴制动材料厂,2019.12–2021.12, 10W

    [2] 浙江华源颜料有限公司与浙江工业大学合作共建企业创新研发平台框架协议,浙江华源颜料有限公司,2021.06–2027.06, 300W

    [3] 碳带热转印项目的研发与产业化,浙江天地数码有限公司,2022.06–2026.06, 20W

  • 科研成果

    1. 论文(2013-至今

    [90] Qiang Fu, Zhiling Huang, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Performance and mechanism investigation of Cu loading and S vacancy synergistic promotion of MoS2 catalyzed water gas shift reaction: experimental and theoretical calculations, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498, 155167. (IF=13.3)

    [89] Weiling Zhao, Qiang Fu, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Mechanistic study of transition metal loaded/doped Ni−MgO catalyzed dry reforming of methane: DFT calculations, Chemical Physics Letters, 2024, 853, 141538. (IF=2.8)

    [88] Zhuying Chen, Zhiling Huang, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Exposure of facets to control built in electric field and boost efficient photodegradation of Br-Cu2O@NiFe-LDHs heterojunctionJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering2024, 12(5), 113686. (IF=7.4) 

    [87] Xiaoling Liang, Zhiling Huang, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. Short review on photoactivation of peroxysulfate for degradation of antibiotics by layered double hydroxides based Z-scheme heterojunctions, Materials Research Bulletin2024, 180, 113006. (IF=5.3) 

    [86] Xiaoling Liang, Shuirong Gu, Zufan Yang, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. Screening and comparison of 18 transition metal atoms doped to modulate the electrocatalytic synthesis of ammonia with multi-S vacancies MoS2: a study of density functional theory, Chemical Physics Letters, 2024, 850, 141461. (IF=2.8)

    [85] Zhuying Chen, Zhiling Huang, Jieyi Yang, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Experimental and theoretical investigation on facet-dependent MoO2/BiOBr Z-scheme heterojunction photocatalytic nitrogen reduction: modulation of bulk charge separation efficiency by built-in electric field intensity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12(27), 16877-16891. (IF=10.7) 

    [84] Huaping Xiong, Yue Meng, Zufan Yang, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Transition metal single-atom supported on W2N3 as efficient electrocatalysts for the nitrogen reduction reaction: A DFT study, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 698, 134583. (IF=4.9) 

    [83] Lianyang Zhang, Zhiling Huang, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. Experimental and theoretical research on photocatalytic nitrogen reduction using MoS2 nanosheets with polysulfide vacanciesInorganic Chemistry, 2024, 63(23), 10871–10880. (IF=4.3) 

    [82] Shengjie Xia*, Ziying Yuan, Yue Meng, Chen Zhang, Xianglong Li, Zheming Ni, Xueqiang Zhang*. Fabrication of site activated and synergistic dual vacancies ZnIn2S4 for highly efficient bifunctional photocatalysis: nitrogen reduction and oxidative degradation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A2024, 12(4), 2294-2308(IF=10.7)

    [81] Weiling Zhao, Zhiling Huang, Hui Shen, Xianglong Li, Shaofen Zhao, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. Density functional theory study of CO2 adsorption on transition metal (M=Al, Li, K, Ca) doped MgOMolecular Catalysis, 2024, 553, 113708(IF=3.9)

    [80] Xun Li, Yue Meng*, Wei Shi, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Construction of high reduction potential Fe-POMs/LDHs Z-scheme heterojunction: variable valence state-assisted photocatalytic activation of persulfate radical for synergistic degradation of tetracyclineMaterials Research Bulletin2024, 170, 112591(IF=5.3)

    [79] Zufan Yang, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. The structural stability and mechanism of ammonia synthesis of single layer CdS doped by 13 transition metal: First-principles studyFuel2024, 355, 129406(IF=6.7)

    [78] Qiang Fu, Yue Meng, Yiyang Yao, Hui Shen, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Construction of facet orientation-supported Z-scheme heterojunction of BiVO4 (110)-Fe2O3 and its photocatalytic degradation of tetracyclineJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering2023, 11(5), 111060(IF=7.4)

    [77] Yue Meng, Yun Jia, Zhiling Huang, Chundong Liu, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*Takeaki Sakurai*.Preparation and photocatalytic properties of multicomponent Nickel-containing organic-inorganic hybrid materials based on ZnCr-LDHsJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids2023, 183, 111644. (IF=4.3)

    [76] Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Br doping promotes the transform of Cu2O (100) to Cu2O (111) and facilitates efficient photocatalytic degradation of tetracyclineMolecular Catalysis, 2023, 548, 113431(IF=3.9)

    [75] Zhuying Chen, Yiyang Yao, Hui Shen, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*The performance and mechanism for photocatalyticdegradation of methylene blue catalyzed by ultrathin NiAl-layered double hydroxidesChemical Physics Letters,2023, 828, 140718(IF=2.8)

    [74] Jiazhen Li, Yue Meng, Zhiyan Gao, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*, Zhisheng Fu*. Bimetallic doped C2N catalyzed CO2 reduction to ethylene: A first–principles studySeparation and Purification Technology2023, 323, 124404(IF=8.1)

    [73] Ziying Yuan, Yongyong Cao*, Yue Meng, Guoxiang Pan, Yifan Zheng, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*The construction of lattice-matched CdS-Ag2S heterojunction photocatalysts: High-intensity built-in electric field effectively boosts bulk-charge separation efficiency, Journal of Hazardous Materials2023, 485, 131895(IF=12.2)

    [72] Xun Li, Yue Meng*, Zhiling Huang, Lianyang Zhang, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Study on the performance and mechanism of persulfate activation boosted MoO2@LDHs Z-scheme heterojunction for efficient photocatalytic degradation of tetracyclineJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering2023, 11(4), 110257(IF=7.4)

    [71] Jieyi Yang, Zhiling Huang, Yue Meng, Zheming Ni, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. Experimental and theoretical study on photocatalytic nitrogen reduction catalyzed by Fe-doped MoO2Separation and Purification Technology2023, 318, 124019(IF=8.1) 热点论文

    [70] Wujian Zhang, Zhiling Huang, Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng, Zheming Ni, Haodong Tang*, Shengjie Xia*. Construction of zinc-oxygen double vacancies BiOCl/ZnS Z-scheme heterojunction and photocatalytic degradation of norfloxacin, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering2023, 11(3), 109977(IF=7.4)

    [69] Jieyi Yang, Zhiling Huang, Jinhua Li*, Yiyang Yao, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Photocatalytic reduction of nitrogen to ammonia by bismuth oxyhalides containing oxygen vacancies, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2023, 662, 130995. (IF=4.9) 高被引论文

    [68] Yue Du, Yue Meng, Guoxiang Pan, Hui Shen, Yiyang Yao, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni,Shengjie Xia*Comparison of performance and mechanism for single and double vacancies MoS2 catalyzing water gas shift reactionInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy2023, 48(64), 24628-24639. (IF=8.1) 高被引论文

    [67] Xinxin Yuan, Zhiling Huang, Jinhua Li*, Yue Meng, Zhenhai Gu, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*The S−Cu−O bonds boosted efficient photocatalytic degradation of semi-coherent interface Cu2O/Cu7S4 heterojunction, Separation and Purification Technology2023, 306, 122689. (IF=8.6)

    [66] Guanhua Zhang, Jieyi Yang, Zhuling Huang, Guoxiang Pan, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Construction dual vacancies to regulate the energy band structure of ZnIn2S4 for enhanced visible light-driven photodegradation of 4-NitrophenolJournal of Hazardous Materials2023, 441, 129916.(IF=13.6) 高被引论文

    [65] Yue Du, Zhiling Huang, Ziying Yuan, Hui Shen, Jinhua Li, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*.Theoretical study on water gas shift mechanism on monatomic transition metal M supporting MoS2 catalyst (M=Co, Ni, Cu)Molecular Catalysis2022, 531, 112713. (IF=4.6)

    [64] Wujian Zhang, Zhiling Huang, Hui Shen, Zhenhai Gu, Shengjie Xia, Panpan Zhang, Wenfeng Han, Ying Li, Haodong Tang*. Persulfate activation boosted highly efficient photodegradation of norfloxacin catalyzed by Pt selectively loading LaOCl (001)Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2022, 655, 130223(IF=5.2)

    [63]Xun Li, Ziying Yuan, Zhiling Huang, Aoki Koso, Jinhua Li, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. The photodegradation property and mechanism of tetracycline by persulfate radical activated In2O3@LDHs Z−scheme heterojunction, Separation and Purification Technology2022, 303, 122077. (IF=8.6)

    [62] 倪梯铜孟跃*, 青木功荘*, 姚屹洋唐浩东陈爱民夏盛杰. Fe3O4/MAl-LDHs (M=Zn,Co,Ni)复合物光催化降解亚甲基蓝的性能、动力学与机理无机化学学报2022, 38(9), 17591770.

    [61] Zhiyan Gao, Zhiling Huang, Yue Meng, Haodong Tang, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of CO2 Adsorption and Reduction by Single-atom M (M=Cu, Co, Ni) Doping C2N, Chemical Physics Letters2022, 804, 139902. (IF=2.8)

    [60] Zufan Yang, Zhiling Huang, Shaofen Zhao, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming NiShengjie Xia*.Theoretical study on structural properties and nitrogen reduction mechanism of monatomic Sc and Mo doped Li deficient LiH, Chemical Physics Letters2022, 803, 139855. (IF=2.8)

    [59] Yue Du, Shaofen Zhao, Haodong Tang, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*.An Active MoS2 with Pt-doping and Sulfur Vacancy for Strengthen CO2 Adsorption and Fast Capture: A DFT Approach, Chemical Physics Letters2022, 802, 139784. (IF=2.8)

    [58] Zhiyan Gao, Yue Meng, Aoki Koso, Juji Mishima, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Theoretical study on CO2 reduction to methanol catalyzed by single-atom transition metal (TM)-doped (TM= Cu, Pd) bilayer 2D materials, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2022, 648, 129365. (IF=5.2)

    [57] Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng*, Aoki Koso, Yiyang Yao, Haodong Tang, Shengjie Xia*The mechanism of nitrogen reduction reaction on defective BN monolayer with monatomic Co, Ni, and Mo doped-A First principles study,Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2022, 647, 129072. (IF=5.2)

    [56] Wujian Zhang, Yue Meng, Yuhua Liu, Hui Shen, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia, Wenfeng Han, Ying Li, Haodong Tang*. Boosted photocatalytic degradation of norfloxacin on LaOCl/LDH: Synergistic effect of Z-scheme heterojunction and O vacanciesJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering2022, 10(3), 107812(IF=7.7)

    [55] Xinxin Yuan, Jieyi Yang, Yiyang Yao, Hui Shen, Yue Meng*, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Preparation, characterization, and mechanism of 0D/2D Cu2O/BiOCl Z-scheme heterojunction for efficient photocatalytic degradation of tetracyclineSeparation and Purification Technology2022, 291, 120965(IF=8.6) 高被引论文

    [54] Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng*, Hui Shen, Jinhua Li, Chunfang Yang, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. High efficiency photocatalytic ammonia synthesis by facet orientation supported heterojunction Cu2O@BiOCl[100] boosted by double built-in electric field, Inorganic Chemistry2022, 61(16), 60456055(IF=4.6) 高被引论文

    [53] Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng*, Tiantian Dai, Yiyang Yao, Hui Shen, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. The fabrication of coated BiVO4@LDHs Z-scheme heterojunction and its photodegradation of antibiotics, Applied Clay Science2022, 219106435. (IF=5.6) 高被引论文

    [52] Guanhua Zhang, Xinxin Yuan, Bo Xie, Yue Meng, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*S Vacancies act as a bridge to promote electron injection from Z-scheme heterojunction to nitrogen molecule for photocatalytic ammonia synthesis, Chemical Engineering Journal2022, 433, 133670.(IF=15.1) 高被引论文

    [51] Zhiyan Gao, Yue Meng*, Hui Shen, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni*, Shengjie Xia*Theoretical study on low temperature reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGSR) mechanism on monatomic transition metal M doped C2N catalyst (M=Cu, Co, Fe), Molecular Catalysis2021, 516, 111992. (IF=4.6)

    [50] Yue Du, Tao Chen, Yue Meng*, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni*, Shengjie Xia*Molecular structure, electronic properties and stability of carbon coated M13@C60 (M=Cu, Ag, Pt) nanoclusters, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry2021, 1205 113434. (IF=2.8)

    [49] Zhiyan Gao, Ying Wang, Yue Meng*, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni*, Shengjie Xia*Theoretical study on structural properties and hydrogen adsorption performance of C3N doped with monoatomic Al/Li, Chemical Physics Letters2021, 782139015. (IF=2.8)

    [48] Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng*, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. Theoretical investigation onto the reaction mechanism of dry reforming of methane on core-shell Cu-Ni-Pt ternary alloy clusters, Chemical Physics Letters2021, 781, 138975. (IF=2.8)

    [47]Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng*, Hui Shen, Jinhua Li, Chunfang Yang, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*. Photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B by Bi2O3@LDHs S-scheme heterojunction: performance, kinetics and mechanism, Applied Surface Science2021, 567, 150760. (IF=6.7)

    [46]Haodong Tang, Wujian Zhang, Bo Xie, Yue Meng*, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Investigation onto the performance and mechanism of visible light photodegradation of methyl orange catalyzed by M/CeO(M=Pt, Ag, Au), Materials Research Bulletin2021, 144, 111497. (IF=5.4)

    [45] Shengjie Xia*, Guanhua Zhang, Zhiyan Gao, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Hanfeng Lu, Zheming Ni3D hollow Bi2O3@CoAl-LDHs direct Z-Scheme heterostructure for visible-light-driven N2 fixation,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2021, 604, 798809. (IF=9.9)

    [44] Tiantian Dai, Ziying Yuan, Yue Meng*, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Performance and mechanism of photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline by Z–scheme heterojunction of CdS@LDHsApplied Clay Science,2021, 212, 106210. (IF=5.6)

    [43] Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng*, Jianming Yang, Hui Shen, Chunfang Yang, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*Theoretical study on dry reforming of methane catalyzed by Cu12M (M = Cu, Fe, Co, Ni) core-shell bimetallic clustersFuel2021, 303,121263. (IF=7.4)

    [42] Ying Wang, Yue Du, Yue Meng*, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Monatomic Ti doped on defective monolayer BN as an electrocatalyst for the synthesis of ammoniaA DFT study, Applied Surface Science2021, 563, 150277. (IF=6.7)

    [41] Guanhua Zhang, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Hanfeng Lu, Shengjie Xia*Precise location and regulation of active sites for highly efficient photocatalytic synthesis of ammonia by facet-dependent BiVO4 single crystals, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental2021, 296, 120379(IF=22.1) 热点论文

    [40] Chao Yang, Yue Meng*, Bo Xie, Shengjie Xia*Impacts of solvation on polypeptide photo-damage: Modulation and biological implications, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2021, 220, 112214. (IF=5.4)

    [39] Guanhua Zhang, Tiantian Dai, Yue Meng, Bo Xie, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Modulation of photo-generated solvated electrons for ammonia synthesis via facet-dependent engineering of heterojunctionsApplied Catalysis B: Environmental2021, 288, 119990. (IF=22.1)

    [38] 张连阳吴俊杰孟跃*夏盛杰*用于光降解罗丹明B及光解水制氢的CeO2@NiAl–LDHs直接Z–scheme异质结:性能及机理无机化学学报2021, 37(2), 316-326.

    [37] Haodong Tang, Wujian Zhang, Yue Meng, Shengjie Xia*A direct Z-scheme heterojunction with the high performance of boosted photo generated charge carriers transportation for highly efficient photodegradation of PFOA: Reaction kinetics and mechanismApplied Catalysis B: Environmental2021, 285, 119851.(IF=22.1) 高被引论文

    [36] Chao Yang, Guanhua Zhang, Yue Meng*, Guoxiang Pan*, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Direct Z-scheme CeO2@LDH core-shell heterostructure for photodegradation of Rhodamine B by synergistic persulfate activationJournal of Hazardous Materials,2021, 408, 124908. (IF=13.6) 高被引论文

    [35] Ying Wang, Yue Meng*, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*. Promotion of H2 adsorption performance on InN monolayer by embedding Cu atom: A first-principles study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2021, 46(1)848−857(IF=7.2) 高被引论文

    [34] Lianyang Zhang, Yue Meng*, Guoxiang Pan, Shengjie Xia*Experimental and theoretical investigation into the performance and mechanism of CO2 capture by 3D and 2D ZnAl-layered double hydroxides, Inorganic Chemistry2020, 59, 17722−17731 (IF=4.6)

    [33] Chao Yang, Yue Meng*, Shengjie Xia*, Guoxiang Pan. Interfacial Chemistry and Charge Transfer on a Thiolated-Au/TiO2 Photocatalyst under X-ray Excitation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2020, 124(40), 22212–22220.(IF=3.7)

    [32] Guanhua Zhang, Tiantian Dai, Yue Meng, Lianyang Zhang, Guoxiang Pan, Chao Yang*, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Bridged-Au Z‑Scheme heterojunction ZnO-Au-ZnAl2O4: Electron transfer and kinetics of photodegradation,Applied Surface Science2020, 532, 147456. (IF=6.7)

    [31] Shengjie Xia, Guanhua Zhang, Yue Meng, Chao Yang*, Zheming Ni, Jun Hu*. Kinetic and mechanistic analysis for the photodegradation of gaseous formaldehyde by core-shell CeO2@LDHs, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental2020,278, 119266. (IF=22.1) 高被引论文

    [30] Jilong Xue, Ying Wang, Yue Meng*, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan*, Shengjie Xia*. Investigation of decarbonylation mechanism of furfural on Pd (111) and M/Pd (111) (M=Ru, Ni, Ir) surfaces, Molecular Catalysis2020493, 111054. (IF=4.6)

    [29] Shengjie Xia*, Tiantian Dai, Yue Meng, Xiaobo Zhou*, Guoxiang Pan*, Xueqiang Zhang, Zheming Ni, Low–temperature water–gas shift reaction catalyzed by hybrid NiO@NiCr–layered double hydroxides: catalytic property, kinetics and mechanism investigation,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2020, 22, 1263012643.(IF=3.3)

    [28] Lei Fang, Tao Chen, Yue Meng, Lianyang Zhang, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Size effect of CO2 adsorption onto Au cluster-functionalized monolayer ZnAl hydrotalcite:Insights from first-principles computations,Applied Surface Science2020, 525, 146612. (IF=6.7)

    [27] Shengjie Xia*, Lei Fang, Yue Meng, Lianyang Zhang, Xueqiang Zhang*, Chao Yang*, Zheming Ni. Water–gas shift reaction catalyzed by layered double hydroxides supported Au–Ni/Cu/Pt bimetallic alloys, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental2020, 272, 118949. (IF=22.1) 高被引论文

    [26] 张冠华陈雨芙孟跃薛继龙夏盛杰*倪哲明*.AuCu/ZnAl–LDO复合光催化剂的制备及其光催化性能无机化学学报2020, 36(5), 875-884.

    [25] Lei Fang, Tao Chen, Yue Meng, Ying Wang, Jilong Xue, Zheming Ni,Shengjie Xia*.Water–gas shift reaction catalyzed by Au32M(M=Cu, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir) core–shell nanoclusters: A density functional theory study,Molecular Catalysis2020, 483, 110757. (IF=4.6)

    [24] Yue Meng, Shengjie Xia*,Xiaobo Zhou*, Guoxiang Pan, Mechanism of selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde on Ni–Pt(111) with different structures: A comparative study, Chemical Physics Letters2020740, 137049.(IF=2.8)

    [23] Guanhua Zhang#, Xueqiang Zhang#*, Yue Meng, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Layered double hydroxides–based photocatalysts in visible–light photodegradation of organic pollutants: A review, Chemical Engineering Journal,2020, 392, 123684. (IF=15.1) 高被引论文/热点论文

    [22] Yue Meng, Tiantian Dai, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan, Shengjie Xia*Photodegradation of gaseous volatile organic compounds catalyzed by MCr–LDHs and hybrid MO@MCr–LDHs (M=Co, Ni, Cu, Zn): The comparison of activity, kinetics and photocatalytic mechanism, Catalysis ScienceTechnology2020, 10, 424–439. (IF=5.0)

    [21] Yue Meng, Yufu Chen, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan, Shengjie Xia*Experimental and theoretical investigations into the activity and mechanism of water–gas shift reaction catalyzed by Au nanoparticles supported on Zn–Al/Cr/Fe layered double hydroxides, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2020, 45(1), 464–476. (IF=7.2) 高被引论文

    [20] 沈显荣孟跃夏盛杰*水滑石负载AuCu合金催化水煤气变换反应催化性能与结构组成无机化学学报2019, 35(7): 1239–1247.

    [19] Jilong Xue, Tao Chen, Yue Meng*, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan*, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Efficient detoxication of heterocyclics by layered double hydroxides contained different cobalt components as photocatalysts based on controllable application of active free radicals, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry2019, 371: 33–43.(IF=4.3)

    [18] Shifeng Fu, Yuan Zheng, Xiaobo Zhou, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*.Visible light promoted degradation of gaseous volatile organic compounds catalyzed by Au supported layered double hydroxides: influencing factors, kinetics and mechanism, Journal of Hazardous Materials2019, 363, 41–54. (IF=13.6) 高被引论文

    [17] Xiaofeng Zhang, Liwen Wang, Xiaobo Zhou, Zheming Ni, Shengjie Xia*Investigation into the enhancement of property and the difference of mechanism onto visible light degradation of gaseous toluene catalyzed by ZnAl layered double hydroxides before and after Au supportingACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(10), 13395–13407. (IF=8.4)

    [16] 孟跃夏盛杰*薛继龙倪生良倪哲明*. 基于水滑石的Zn–Cr–Cu复合金属氧化物的制备及其对罗丹明B的光催化降解性能无机化学学报2018, 34(9): 1632–1640.

    [15] Guanhua Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Yue Meng, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*, Shengjie Xia*. Experimental and theoretical investigation into visible–light–promoted selective hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde to crotonyl alcohol using Au–Co,Ni alloy nanoparticles supported layered double hydroxides, Journal of Materials Chemistry A2018, 6, 15839–15852. (IF=11.9)

    [14] Lei Fang, Wei Luo, Yue Meng, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*, Shengjie Xia*Visible–light–promoted selective hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde by Au supported ZnAl–layered double hydroxides: catalytic property, kinetics and mechanism investigation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C2018, 122(30), 17358–17369(IF=3.7)

    [13] Yue Meng, Xiaofeng Zhang, Guoxiang Pan, Shengjie Xia*, Zheming Ni*.Orthogonal synthesis of a novel hybrid layered material containing three different zincous components and its photocatalytic property investigation, Journal of Hazardous Materials2018350: 144–153. (IF=13.6)

    [12] Shengjie Xia*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiaobo Zhou, Yue Meng, Jilong Xue, Zheming Ni*. The influence of different Cu species onto multi–copper–contained hybrid materials’ photocatalytic property and mechanism of chlorophenol degradation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 214: 78–88. (IF=22.1)

    [11] Shengjie Xia*, Mengdan Qian, Xiaobo Zhou, Yue Meng, Jilong Xue, Zheming Ni*. Theoretical and experimental investigation into the photocatalytic degradation of hexachlorobenzene by ZnCr layered double hydroxides with different anions, Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 435: 118–127. (IF=4.6)

    [10] 夏盛杰邵蒙蒙薛继龙倪哲明*. Ce水滑石基复合氧化物对混合染料的光催化性能无机化学学报, 2016, 32(6): 983–993.

    [9] Shengjie Xia, Yue Meng, Xiaobo Zhou, Jilong Xue, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*. Ti/ZnO–Fe2O3 composite: synthesis, characterization and application as a highly efficient photoelectrocatalyst for methanol from CO2reduction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 187: 122–133. (IF=22.1)

    [8] Shengjie Xia, Mengmeng Shao, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*. Ti/ZnO–MxOy composite (M=Al, Cr, Fe, Ce): synthesis, characterization and application as a highly efficient photocatalyst for hexachlorobenzene degradationPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2015, 17(40), 26690–26702. (IF=3.3)

    [7] Shengjie Xia, Lianyang Zhang, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*. The photocatalytic property for water splitting and the structural stability of CuMgM layered double hydroxides (M=Al, Cr, Fe, Ce), Applied Clay Science2015, 114, 577–585.(IF=5.5)

    [6] Shengjie Xia, Mengmeng Shao, Xiaobo Zhou, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation into Photoelectrocatalytic oxidation and reduction property of ZnFeTi mixed metal oxides, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical2015, 406, 127–136. (IF=5.008)

    [5] Shengjie Xia, Lianyang Zhang, Xiaobo Zhou, Mengmeng Shao, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*. Fabrication of highly dispersed Ti/ZnO–Cr2Ocomposite as highly efficient photocatalyst for naphthalene degradation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 176: 266–277.(IF=22.1)

    [4] Shengjie Xia, Lianyang Zhang, Guoxiang Pan, Pingping Qian, Zheming Ni*Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue with nanocomposite system: synthesis, photocatalysis and degradation pathways, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2015, 17(7), 5345–5351. (IF=3.3) 

    [3] Shengjie Xia, Xiaobo Zhou, Wei Shi, Guoxiang Pan, Zheming Ni*. Photocatalytic property and mechanism studies on acid red 14 by MxOy/ZnTi–layered double hydroxides (M=Fe,Sn,Ce), Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical2014, 392, 270–277. (IF=5.008)

    [2] Shengjie Xia, Fengxian Liu, Zheming Ni*, Wei Shi, Jilong Xue, Pingping Qian. Ti–based layered double hydroxides: efficient photocatalysts for Azo dyes degradation under visible light, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental2014, 144, 570–579. (IF=22.1)

    [1] Shengjie Xia, Fengxian Liu, Zheming Ni*, Jilong Xue, Pingping Qian. Layered double hydroxides as efficient photocatalysts for visible light degradation of Rhodamine B, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2013, 405, 195–200. (IF=9.9)

    2. 授权发明专利

    [1] 夏盛杰高枝妍张冠华倪哲明谢波一种3D核壳β-氧化铋/钴铝水滑石直接Z型异质结催化剂及其制备方法与应用, ZL202110405848.2

    [2] 夏盛杰,方镭,倪哲明。一种负载型单层水滑石结构研究方法。ZL201910807685.3

    [3] 夏盛杰张晓锋薛继龙倪哲明。钴铬水滑石负载碘氧化铋复合材料及其制备方法与应用,ZL201810670031.6

    [4] 夏盛杰,方镭,倪哲明。一种提高单层水滑石吸附CO2气体性能的方法,ZL201910729417.4

    [5] 夏盛杰,周凯,潘国祥。一种耐高温氧化铁黄颜料及其合成方法。ZL201910729189.0

    [6] 夏盛杰,张冠华,倪哲明。 一种核壳结构二氧化铈/钴铝水滑石材料的制备方法, ZL202010614630.3

    [7] 夏盛杰,张冠华,倪哲明,谢波,。一种含有S空位的Z型异质结光催化剂的制备方法, ZL202110987035.9  2023.07.21

    [8] 夏盛杰,袁鑫鑫,张冠华,倪哲明,沈辉。一种含有硫空位和锌空位的硫化铟锌光催化剂及其制备方法与应用,ZL 202210969313.2  2024.01.16

