在国际刊物ACI Materials Journal、ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering、Materials and Structures、Magazine of Concrete Research、国内刊物《水利学报》、《硅酸盐学报》、《水力发电学报》、《复合材料学报》和《建筑材料学报》等发表学术论文120余篇,其中在Cement and Concrete Composites等国际著名刊物上发表SCI论文29篇,5篇代表性论文如下:
(1)Zhou Xinzhu, Han Zhen Yu, Zheng Jianjun, et al. A multi-step scheme for evaluating the elastic moduli of partially leached cement paste,Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 344(8): 129095.
(2) Zhou Xinzhu, Lu Jian, Zheng Jianjun*, Ye Wenwei, Chen Jun, Zhu Minjie, Analytical method for evaluating calcium diffusion coefficient of partially leached cement paste, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2021, 33(8): 04021182.
(3) Zheng Jianjun, Zhang Jian, Zhou Xinzhu*, Wang Jiawei, Ding Yanwen, Rondom walk algorithm for chloride diffusivity of concrete, ACI Materials Journal, 2020, 117(2): 79-86.
(4) Zhou Xinzhu, Zheng Jianjun*, Chen Ting, Zhang Jian, Wang Chuangyang, Wu Jiefeng, A numerical method for estimating the elastic modulus of recycled concrete, Computers and Concrete, 2019, 23(3): 161-170.
(5) 周欣竹, 郑建军, 混凝土界面渗流的集料体积率阈值算法及其影响因素评价, 硅酸盐学报, 2007, 35(10): 1342-1346.
(1) 混凝土性能的水作用机理与控制方法,教育部自然科学奖一等奖
(2) 结构力学求解器, 教育部教学成果二等奖