

| 博士 讲师 硕士生导师




办公地址: 屏峰校区机械楼A434


电子邮箱: bingfeifan@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介


    浙江工业大学讲师,2019毕业于浙江大学,获机械电子工程博士学位。毕业后在上海交通大学机器人研究所从事博士后研究工作。主要从事医疗康复机器人穿戴式传感器技术、人体运动分析方面的研究。主持了国家自然科学基金青年基金、浙江省自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金项目,在IEEE sensors journal, Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Journal of Biomechanics, Measurement Science and Technology等期刊发表学术论文9篇,申请发明专利5项。曾获浙江大学三好学生、优秀研究生、陆增祺FPTC高科技奖等荣誉。






    1) 2024年指导学生获得中国机器人大赛(RoboCup),无人机挑战赛-无人机自主飞行竞速赛项,ZJUT FPV等奖.

    2) 2024年指导学生获得中国机器人大赛(RoboCup),无人机挑战赛-无人机实物赛项目,ZJUT-FIXED WING,全国三等奖.

    3) 2023年指导学生获得中国机器人大赛暨 ROBOCUP 机器人世界杯中国赛专项赛三等奖


    浙江工业大学          讲师   2022-6  至 今

    上海交通大学   机器人研究所  博士后  合作导师:Peter B. Shull  2019.9~2022.6      

    瑞晟微电子(苏州)有限公司   芯片固件工程师  2012.5~2014.8



    浙江大学     机械电子工程         博士  导师:刘涛、李庆国  2015.9~2019.9

    东南大学     机械制造及其自动化   硕士  2009.9~2012.5

    南昌大学     机械工程及其自动化   学士  2005.9~2009.6


  • 科研项目


    1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,全向运动地形扰动下的人体平衡调节机制与平衡能力训练新方法,2024/01-2026/12在研,主持。

    2. 浙江省自然科学基金,面向平衡障碍康复评价的平衡调节机制研究与穿戴式传感网络设计,2023-12025-12,在研,主持;

    3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,面向前交叉韧带损伤预防训练的穿戴式传感与生物反馈方法研究,2020-032021-12,结题,主持。

    4. 国家科技部, 重点研发计划智能机器人重点专项课题, 生物/运动信息捕捉技术及装备研究, 参与

    5. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 膝关节骨性关节炎患者的柔性助行外骨骼设计与控制方法研究, 参与;

    6. 浙江省自然科学基金, 杰出青年基金, 基于穿戴式传感器系统的糖尿病足定量评价与生物力学信息反馈运动康复方法研究, 2015-01~2018-12, 结题, 参与

    7. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 基于可穿戴传感网络的全膝关节置换术后的步态训练研究, 2019-01-01 2022-12-31, 结题,参与


  • 科研成果


    1.        Mingyu Du; Bowen Lv; Bingfei Fan; Xiaoling Li; Junze Yu; Fugang Yi; Tao Liu; Shibo Cai, Ankle Moment Estimation Based on A Novel Distributed Plantar Pressure Sensing System. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2024, 1-9.

    2.        Liangjie Tu; Bingfei Fan; Mingyu Du; Guanjun Bao; Bowen Lv; Wenjie Mao; Tao Liu; Shibo Cai, Prediction of Continuous Joint Angles of the Lower Limb Based on sEMG by Using the ISSA-HKELM Algorithm. IEEE Sensors Journal 2024, 1-1.

    3.        Xin Chen; Shibo Cai; Longjie Yu; Xiaoling Li; Bingfei Fan; Mingyu Du; Tao Liu; Guanjun Bao, A Novel CNN-BiLSTM Ensemble Model With Attention Mechanism for Sit-to-Stand Phase Identification Using Wearable Inertial Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2024, 32, 1068-1077.

    4.        Kezhe Zhu; Jinxuan Li; Dongxuan Li; Bingfei Fan; Peter B. Shull, IMU Shoulder Angle Estimation: Effects of Sensor-to-Segment Misalignment and Sensor Orientation Error. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2023, 31, 4481-4491.

    5.        Tian Tan, Anthony A. Gatti, Bingfei Fan, Kevin G. Shea, Seth L. Sherman, Scott D. Uhlrich, Jennifer L. Hicks, Scott L. Delp, Peter B. Shull,  Akshay S. Chaudhari. A scoping review of portable sensing for out-of-lab anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention and rehabilitation. npj(nature) Digital Medicine 2023, 6, (1), 46.

    6.        Wei Wei, Bangda Zhou, Bingfei Fan, Mingyu Du, Guanjun Bao, Shibo Cai. An Adaptive Hand Exoskeleton for Teleoperation System[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 36(1): 60.

    7.        Shibo Cai, Mingyu Shao, Mingyu Du, Guanjun Bao, Bingfei Fan. A Binocular-Camera-Assisted Sensor-to-Segment Alignment Method for Inertial Sensor-Based Human Gait Analysis. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(3): 2663-2671.

    8.        Shibo Cai; Dipei Chen; Bingfei Fan; Mingyu Du*; Guanjun Bao; Gang Li. Gait phases recognition based on lower limb sEMG signals using LDA-PSO-LSTM algorithm. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 80, 104272.

    9.        Bingfei Fan; Qingguo Li; Tian Tan; Peiqi Kang; Peter B. Shull*. Effects of IMU Sensor-to-Segment Misalignment and Orientation Error on 3D Knee Joint Angle Estimation. IEEE sensors journal, 2021: 1-1, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3137305.

    10.    P. Kang; J. Li; Bingfei Fan; S. Jiang; and Peter B. Shull*. Wrist-worn Hand Gesture Recognition while Walking via Transfer Learning. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, pp. 1-1, 2021.

    11.    Bingfei Fan; Haisheng Xia; Junkai Xu; Qingguo Li; Peter B. Shull*. IMU-based knee flexion, abduction and internal rotation estimation during drop landing and cutting tasks. Journal of Biomechanics, 2021, 110549.

    12.    Bingfei Fan; Qingguo Li; Tao Liu*. Accurate foot clearance estimation during level and uneven ground walking using inertial sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31(5): 055106.

    13.    Bingfei Fan; Qingguo Li; Peter B. Shull*. 3D knee joint angle estimation during drop landing using inertial sensors: Towards ACL injury risk assessment. In Proceedings of Virtual 44th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, August 4 - 7, 2020.

    14.    Bingfei Fan; Qingguo Li; Tao Liu*. How Magnetic Disturbance Influences the Attitude and Heading in Magnetic and Inertial Sensor-Based Orientation Estimation. Sensors 2018, 18, 76.

    15.    Bingfei Fan; Qingguo Li; Tao Liu*. Improving the Accuracy of Wearable Sensor Orientation Using a Two-Step Complementary Filter with State Machine Based Adaptive Strategy. Measurement Science and Technology 2018, 29, (11), 115104.

    16.    Bingfei Fan; Qingguo Li; C. Wang; Tao Liu*. An Adaptive Orientation Estimation Method for Magnetic and Inertial Sensors in the Presence of Magnetic Disturbances. Sensors 2017, 17, 1161. 

  • 社会服务

    担任Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE sensors, Journal of Biomechanics 等期刊审稿人