

| 博士 教授 博士生导师

单位: 环境学院

职务: 研究生院副院长(主持工作),浙江碳中和创新研究院执行院长


办公地址: 朝晖校区东科教南217


电子邮箱: fangsx@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介



  • 科研项目


    1. 国家重点研发计划项目:“长寿命大气污染物立体快速监测和溯源系统研发与应用示范”,2023-2027。

    2. 浙江省“尖兵领雁+X”研发攻关计划:“高精度温室气体及稳定碳同位素自动化分析仪研发及产业化研究”,2024-2026

    3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“长三角区域大气中氢气(H2)浓度时空格局及其调控机制研究”,2023-2026.

    4. 联合国世界气象组织气候变化项目:“Utilization of Atmospheric Measurements to Establish the Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Bamboo forests”  2022-2026 。

    5. 国家重点研发计划项目:“多目标温室气体测量技术” ,结题。

    6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“GC-PDHID法观测我国本底大气中H2浓度”,结题。

    7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:“我国WMO/GAW本底站大气N2O浓度及特征研究”,结题。

    8. 国家标准编制:“大气甲烷(CH4)波长扫描光腔衰荡光谱观测系统”,结题。

  • 学术论文


    1.  J. Wang, L. Feng, P. I. Palmer, Y. Liu, S.X. Fang*, H. Boesch, et al., (2020), Large Chinese Land carbon sink estimated from atmospheric carbon dioxide data, Nature, 586720-723http://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2849-9.

    2. Y. Zhang,S.X.Fang*(共同一作)J.Chen, et al.,(2022), Observed Change in China's methane emissions    linked to policy drivers, PNAS, 119(41), e2202742119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2202742119. 

    3.  Haoyu Xiong, Yi Lin,...S.X. Fang* (2022), Variations of atmospheric CO concentration from 2004 to 2019 at the Mt. Waliguan station in China. Atmospheric Research, 271, 2022, 106060.  

    4.  Shuo L.,… S.X. Fang* , (2021), Change of atmospheric CO2 in the Tibetan Plateau from 1994 to 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, e2021JD035299.

    5.  Shuo L., S.X. Fang*, Peng Liu, et al., (2021), The changing characteristics of atmospheric CH4 in the Tibetan Plateau: records from 1994 to 2019 at the Mount Waliguan station, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 393-413.  

    6.  M. Guo, S.X. Fang*. Liu, et al.2020, Comparison of atmospheric CO2, CH4, and CO at two stations in the Tibetan Plateau of China, Earth and Space Science, doi: 10.1029/2019EA001051.

    7.  S. Liu, S.X. Fang*, M. Liang, et al. (2019), Study on CO data filtering approaches based on observations at two background stations in China, Science of the Total Environment691: 675-684.

    8.  S. Liu, S.X. Fang*, M. Liang, et al. (2019), Temporal patterns and source regions of atmospheric carbon monoxide at two background stations in China, Atmospheric Research, 220,169-180, 2019.

    9.  W. Q. Sun, Y. Zhang, S.X. Fang*, (2019)., Application of vacuum ultraviolet Single-photon ionization mass spectrometer in online analysis of volatile organic compounds, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 47(7): 976-984.

  • 教学与课程


    (1)环境科学导论      (2)智慧环境监测

    (3)地理信息系统      (4)环境遥感概论

