

| 博士 教授 硕士生导师


职务: 校聘教授


办公地址: 假山校区实验楼501


电子邮箱: feihuang@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介

    1. 2020/07-至今,浙江工业大学,膜分离与水科学技术研究院,校聘教授;

    2. 2017/10-2020/01,美国南卡罗莱纳大学,化学工程与生物化学学院,Brian C.Benicewicz教授,博士后;

    3. 2015/06-2017/10,美国内布拉斯加大学-林肯分校,化学与生物分子工程学院,Chris J.Cornelius教授,博士后;

    4. 2010/08-2015/06,美国康涅狄格大学,化学与生物分子工程学院,Chris J.Cornelius,化学工程博士;

    5. 2006/09-2010/07,北京化工大学,化工学院,化学工程与工艺学士



    1. 新型高分子材料、离子交换膜、混合基质膜的研发。

    2. 新能源技术:中高温燃料电池、液流电池、金属离子电池等。

    3. 电化学技术:电解水制氢、电化学法净化分离氢气、新型热电能转换器、碳氢燃料的再生、生物仿生制动器等。

    4. 水处理及膜分离技术:电渗析海水脱盐,正、反渗透膜,纳滤膜及超滤膜等。

    5. 气体分离膜、全热交换膜、二氧化碳捕集等。


    先后参与多个横向纵向科研项目,曾多次参与书写美国自然科学基金委立项提案NSF(累计基金资助100万美金)。长期作为Journal of Membrane Science, Polymer, Fuel Cells 等期刊独立审稿人,数十次在国际会议中作相关的学术报告,并于2017年受邀担任美国化学学会 (ACS) 高分子材料分会场主席。在Energy Stor. Mater.J. Mem Sci.ACS Appl. Energy Mater.ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. Ceram. Int.Eur. Polym. J.J. Electrochem. Soc.等期刊上发表相关论文20余篇(封面期刊3篇),并申请美国发明专利4项,授权1项。

  • 科研项目

    1.  浙江工业大学高层次人才科研启动金项目,2020414711129,中高温质子交换膜的研发与应用,在研,主持。

    2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21975222,基于有机金属框架(MOF)纳米材料的聚酰胺纳米复合薄层(PA-TFN)混合基质全热交换膜的构建及其热回收机理研究,2020-012023-12,在研,参与。

    3. 美国能源高级研究计划局,政府项目,DE-AR-0001478,新型离子导电聚合物的构建与优化(面向液流电池),2017-072019-07,已结题,参与。

    4. 德国巴斯夫BASF公司,企业项目,高温聚苯并咪唑质子交换膜在燃料电池和电化学氢气分离净化泵的应用研究,2017-072018-07,已结题,参与。

    5. 美国Johnson Research and Development公司,企业项目,高温聚苯并咪唑质子交换膜在全固态封闭电化学热电能转换器的应用研究,2018-062019-12,已结题,参与。

    6. 美国自然科学基金委员会,政府项目,NSF(USA)CMMI-1562822,溶胶-凝胶法调控制备多组分无机功能涂层与纤维材料,2016-062019-05,已结题,参与。

    7. 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,校级项目,新型纳米复合材料膜的构建及其在气体分离领域的应用研究,2013-062017-05,已结题,参与。

  • 科研成果


    Bairui Zhou, Fei Huang*, Congjie Gao, Lixin Xue*, The Role of Ring Opening Reaction Chemistry of Sultones/Lactones in the Direct Zwitterionization of Polyamide Nano-filtration Membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 641, 119918.

    Qixiang Wang, Fei Huang, Chris Cornelius*, Yanfang Fan*, Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes Derived from Crosslinkable Polyimides for CO2/CH4 and C2H4/C2H6 Separations, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 621, 118785.

    Fei Huang, Andrew T. Pingitore, Brian C. Benicewicz*, Electrochemical Hydrogen Separation from Reformate Using High-Temperature Polybenzimidazole (PBI) Membranes: The Role of Chemistry, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 6234-6242. (Journal Cover).

    Fei Huang, Andrew T. Pingitore, Tedric Campbell, Andrew Knight, David Johnson, Lonnie G. Johnson*, and Brian C. Benicewicz*, A Thermoelectrochemical Converter using High-Temperature Polybenzimidazole (PBI) Membranes for Harvesting Heat Energy, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3, 614-624. (Journal Cover).

    Fei Huang, Andrew T. Pingitore, Brian C. Benicewicz*, High Polymer Content m/p-Polybenzimidazole Copolymer Membranes for Electrochemical Hydrogen Separation under Differential Pressures, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167, 063504.

    Yanying Lu, Yeting Wen, Fei Huang, Tianyu Zhu, Shichen Sun, Brian Benicewicz, Kevin Huang*, Rational Design and Demonstration of a High-Performance Flexible Zn/V2O5 Battery with Thin-Film Electrodes and Para-Polybenzimidazole Electrolyte Membrane. Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 27, 418-425.

    Timothy Largier, Fei Huang, Wayz Kahn, Chris Cornelius*, Poly(phenylene) Synthesized Using Diels-Alder Chemistry and its Sulfonation: Sulfonate Group Complexation with Metal Counter-Ions, Physical Properties, and Gas Transport. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 572, 320-331.

    Behrooz Motealleh, Fei Huang, Timothy Largier, Chris J. Cornelius*, Solution-blended Sulfonated Polyphenylene and Branched Poly(arylene ether sulfone): Synthesis, State of Water, Surface Energy, Proton Transport, and Fuel Cell Performance. Polymer, 2019, 160, 148-161.

    Andrew T. Pingitore, Fei Huang, Guoqing Qian, Brian C. Benicewicz*, Durable High Polymer Content m/p-Polybenzimidazole Membranes for Extended Life-time Electrochemical Devices, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2, 1720-1726.

    Fei Huang, Timothy Largier, Wenjian Zheng, Chris J. Cornelius*, Pentablock Copolymer Morphology Dependent Transport and Its Impact upon Film Swelling, Proton Conductivity, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Operation, Vanadium Flow Battery Function, and Electroactive Actuator Performance, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 545, 1-10.

    Fei Huang,Behrooz Motealleh, Wenjian Zheng, Samik Das, Matthew T. Janish, Paul G. Kotula, C. Barry Carter, Chris J. Cornelius*, Electrospinning amorphous SiO2-TiO2 and TiO2 Nanofibers Using Sol-gel Chemistry and Its Thermal Conversion into Anatase and Rutile, Ceramics International, 2018, 44, 4577-4585.

    Fei Huang, Chris J. Cornelius*, Polyimide-SiO2-TiO2 Nanocomposite Structural Study Probing Free Volume, Physical Properties, and Gas Transport, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 542, 110-122.

    Fei Huang, Armin Tahmasbi Rad, Wenjian Zheng, Mu-Ping Nieh, Chris J. Cornelius*, The Role of TEOS-TIP within a Pentablock Ionomer: Morphology, Physical Properties, and Ion Transport, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2017, 55, 575-586. (Journal Cover)

    Fei Huang, Armin Tahmasbi Rad, Wenjian Zheng, Mu-Ping Nieh, Chris J. Cornelius*, Hybrid Organic-Inorganic 6FDA-6pFDA and Multi-block 6FDA-DABA Polyimide SiO2-TiO2 Nanocomposites: Synthesis, FFV, FTIR, Swelling, Stability, and X-ray, Polymer, 2017, 108, 105-120.

    Fei Huang, Wenjian Zheng, Armin Tahmasbi Rad, Mu-Ping Nieh, Chris J. Cornelius*, SiO2-TiO2-PBC Nanocomposite Film Morphology, Solvent Swelling, Estimated χ Parameter, and Liquid Transport, Polymer, 2017, 123, 247-257.

    Timothy Largier, Fei Huang, Chris Cornelius*, Homopolymer and Multi-block Diels-Alder Polyphenylenes: Synthesis, Physical Properties, X-ray Diffraction, and Gas Transport, European Polymer Journal, 2017, 89, 301-310.


    1. 一种由碳酸内酯改性的高通量高截留率纳滤膜及其制备方法, KYY-ZL-20204689

    2. Laura A. Murdock, Fei Huang, Lihui Wang, Brian C. Benicewicz, New Method for Producing PBI Films without Organic Solvents, US20200087473A1, 2019-09-13

    3. Laura A. Murdock, Fei Huang, Brian C. Benicewicz, Novel Proton-Conducting PBI Processing with Enhanced Performance and Durability, USC-14582, 2020-01-20

    4. Brian C. Benicewicz, Laura Murdock, Lihui Wang, Fei Huang, Andrew Pingitore, Polybenzimidazole (PBI) Membranes for Redox Flow Batteries, US 20200091536A1, 2019-09-13

    5. Brian C. Benicewicz, Laura Murdock, Lihui Wang, Fei Huang, Andrew Pingitore, Low Permeability Polybenzimidazole (PBI) Gel Membranes for Redox Flow Batteries, US20200091539A1, 2019-09-13

