

| 博士 副教授 博士生导师




办公地址: 广C406

办公电话: 0571-85290402

电子邮箱: ybli@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介

    198712月出生,山东五莲人。20151月毕业于浙江工业大学化工机械设计研究所化工过程机械专业,并留校任教。主要从事能源装备的结构完整性与可靠性评估,主持/参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、浙江省重点研发计划等课题10余项。在Theoretical and Applied Fracture MechanicsInternational Journal of Pressure Vessels and PipingJournal of Pressure Vessel Technology等期刊上发表论文30余篇,获省部级科技进步一等奖1项、三等奖2项。

  • 教学与课程







  • 科研项目


    1. 国家重点研发计划子课题:大容量塑料内胆可靠性设计技术、可控成型与焊接工艺研究,202011-202310

    2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:道路运输用高压大容量储氢管束集装箱设计制造技术研究,202011-202310

    3. 国家科技重大专项任务:核级高温部件分析设计标准中不锈钢蠕变疲劳交互作用的支撑及验证试验,2020

    4. 国家核电重大专项任务:基于概率分析的夏比冲击功试验,201909-202012

    5. 中广核重点实验室开放课题:复杂结构的弹塑性极限载荷和裂纹驱动力研究,201908-202008

    6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于局部法的反应堆压力容器多裂纹概率评定方法研究,201701-201912


    1. 高结构完整性设备缺陷容限评估,2020.09-2021.12

    2. 一回路系统典型机械设备在役检查验收方法和寿命评价分析,2019.11-2021.12

    3. 压力容器分析设计项目,长期

    4. 承压设备在线监测检验及动态风险管理技术研究,201712-201906

    5. 双判据法在核岛设备结构完整性分析中的应用研究,201808-201907

  • 科研成果



    [1]     Ting Jin, Zhibo He, Pan Liu, Zihang Wang, Yuebing Li*, Dasheng Wang. A New Stress Intensity Factor Solution Based on the Response Surface Method for Nozzle Corner Cracks in Nuclear Reactor for Thermal Energy Generation. Frontiers in Energy Research (Front. Energy Res.), 2021, 9: 801919. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.801919

    [2]     Pan Liu, Yuebing Li*, Ting Jin, Dasheng Wang. Quick Evaluation Method for Defect Exceeding the Allowable Flaw Size in Pressure Vessel of Nuclear Reactor for Power Plant and Space Heating. Frontiers in Energy Research (Front. Energy Res.), 2021, 9: 796340. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.796340

    [3]     Yuxuan Song, Yi Ma*, Zhouxin Pan, Yuebing Li, Taihua Zhang, Zengliang Gao*. Nanoindentation Characterization of Creep‑fatigue Interaction on Local Creep Behavior of P92 Steel Welded Joint. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 34: 131. https://doi.org/10.1186/s10033-021-00661-5

    [4]     Zhancheng Yang, Yuebing Li*, Yuebao Lei, Zengliang Gao. Limit load for cylinders with axial internal surface cracks under combined internal pressure and global bending moment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING, 2021, 194, 104520. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2021.104520

    [5]     Yuebing Li, Yuebao Lei*, Zengliang Gao, Weiya Jin. Structural integrity assessment of plates containing embedded cracks - Part II: Developing guidance on using the limit load solutions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING, 2021, 194, 104487. 104487. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2021.104487

    [6]     Yuebing Li, Yuanjun Lv, Yuebao Lei*, Zengliang Gao. Structural integrity assessment of plates containing embedded cracks-part I: Finite element fracture analyses. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING, 2021, 194, 104486. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2021.104486 

    [7]     Mingjue Zhou, Yuebing Li*, Yuebao Lei, Linyi Zhu, Wenhua Wang. Weibull stress solutions and applications under mixed mode I-II loading for 2-D cracks in elastic and elastic-plastic materials. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS, 2021, 113, 102972. DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2021.102972. 

    [8]     Zhou, Mingjue, Patel, Artik, Wang, BoPing, Jin, Weiya, Li, Yuebing. Design Optimization of Pressure Vessel in Compliance with Elastic Stress Analysis Criteria for Plastic Collapse Using an Integrated Approach. JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2021, 143(1): 011303. DOI: 10.1115/1.4047713. 

    [9]     Xiaojiao Xu, Chuanyang Lu, Yuebing Li*, Xiakang Ma, Weiya Jin. Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics of 34CrMo4 Steel for Gas Cylinders by Cold Flow Forming after Hot Drawing. METALS, 2021, 11(1):133. DOI: 10.3390/met11010133. 



    [1]     Xiao Chen, Xing He, Lichen Tang, Yuebing Li, Mingjue Zhou*, Weiya Jin, Zengliang Gao. A heat transfer tube wear reliability analysis method based on first-order reliability method. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING, 2020, 7(6): 803-815. DOI: 10.1093/jcde/qwaa058.

    [2]     Yuebing LI, Ting JIN, Zihang Wang, Dasheng Wang. Engineering critical assessment of RPV with nozzle corner cracks under pressurized thermal shocks. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 2020,Vol. 52(11) 2638-2651. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2020.04.019

    [3]     Yuebing LI, Linyi ZHU, Mingjue ZHOU*, Yuebao LEI, Wenhua WANG, Zhibo HE, Zengliang GAO. Weibull stress solutions for 2D cracks under mode II loading. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE, 2020, VOL. 225(1): 31-45. DOI: 10.1007/s10704-020-00462-2. 

    [4]     Zhihui CAI, Zhangmin JIN, Linyi ZHU, Yuebing LI*, Yuebao LEI, Zengliang GAO. Optimizing the Calibration Error of Refraction Angles in Ultrasonic Angle Beam Testing. SENSORS, 2020, 20(5): 1427. DOI: 10.3390/s20051427. 



    [1]     Ting Jin, Zihang Wang, Qiwei Wang, Dasheng Wang, Yuebing Li, Mingjue Zhou*. Weibull stress analysis for the corner crack in reactor pressure vessel nozzle. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2019,Vol. 11(12) 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1177/1687814019893567

    [2]     Yingjie Xu, Yue Mou, Xiaohong Han, Yuebing Li, Liangfeng Xu*, Guangming Chen. Vaporliquid equilibria of HFC161+HFC32+DMF ternary mixture for lowgrade heat driven absorption refrigeration system. AIChE Journal, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.16876

    [3]     Yuebing Li, Zihang Wang, Yuebao Lei, Guian Qian*, Mingjue Zhou*, Zengliang Gao, Filippo Berto. Weibull stress analysis in local approach to fracture. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 104: 102379. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.102379 

    [4]     Yuebing Li, Mingjue Zhou*, Yan Shang, Weiya Jin, Shuiqing Zhou, Chen Chen. A singular element of shape-free hybrid stress-function finite elements in anisotropic materials. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 101: 103-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.02.012 

    [5]     Yuebing Li, Yanming He, ChuanYANG Lu, Wenjian Zheng, Jianguo Yang, Donghong Wang, Limei Wang, Yuan Sun, Zengliang Gao. Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Evaluation of a Laser-Induced Composite Coating on a Ni-Based Superalloy during Thermal Exposure. Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 2019, 12(9): 12091439. DOI:10.3390/ma12091439 

    [6]     Yuebing Li, Wei Fang, Chuanyang Lu, Zengliang Gao, Xiakang Ma, Weiya Jin, Yufeng Ye, Fenghuai Wang. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 34CrMo4 Steel for Gas Cylinders Formed by Hot Drawing and Flow Forming. Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 2019, 12(8): 12081351. DOI:10.3390/ma12081351 

    [7]     Xing He, Xiaojiao Xu, Wei Tian, Yuebing Li*, Weiya Jin, Zhou Mingjue. Markov stochastic process modeling for evolution of wear depth in steam generator tubes. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2019, 11(5): 1687814019846256. DOI: 10.1177/1687814019846256 

    [8]     Qiwei Wang, Junfeng Chen, Xiao Chen, Zengliang Gao, Yuebing Li*. Fatigue Life Prediction of Steam Generator Tubes by Tube Specimens with Circular Holes. Metals, 2019, 9(3): 322. https://doi.org/10.3390/met9030322 

    [9]     Shuiqing Zhou, Yuebing Li*. Volute characteristics of centrifugal fan based on dynamic moment correction method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2019, 233(2): 176-185. DOI: 10.1177/0957650918779856 

    [10]Shuiqing Zhou, Zheyu Li, Yuebing Li, Weiya Jin, Mingjue Zhou. Axial flow fan performance improvement via leading-edge reshaping. NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2019, 67(1): 31-41. DOI: 10.3397/1/37674

    [11]金伟娅, 张鹏程, 周明珏, 李曰兵. 单螺栓装配位置对螺栓连接性能的影响. 浙江工业大学学报, 2019, 47(3): 262-267. (发表日期:20196)



    [1]     Weiya Jin, Yuebing Li*, Zengliang Gao, Xieping Yin, Xiakang Ma. Reliability analysis of integral hot deep drawing and cold flow forming process for large-diameter seamless steel gas cylinders. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97:189–197. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-1914-0 

    [2]     Weiya Jin, Yuebing Li*, Mingjue Zhou, Zengliang Gao. Reliability Study on a New Integrity Pressure Relief Device in Nonrefillable Steel Gas Cylinder. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140(5),Article number: 051602. DOI: 10.1115/1.4041060. 

    [3]     杨建国, 郝建松, 李曰兵*,郑文健, 高增梁, 张鹏程.含表面裂纹焊接结构疲劳评定的质量等级方法.机械工程学报, 2018, 54(14): 82-89. (July 20, 2018, EI:20183805827060)

    Jianguo Yang, Jiansong, Hao, Yuebing Li*, Wenjian Zheng, Zengliang Gao, Pengcheng Zhang. Quality Category Approach of Fatigue Assessment for Welded Structures with Surface Cracks, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 54(14): 82-89.

    [4]     Yuanjun Lv, Yuebing Li, Yuebao Lei, Zengliang Gao*. Reference stress solutions for plates with embedded off-set elliptical cracks under combined biaxial forces and cross-thickness bending. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2018, 165: 90-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpvp.2018.05.011 

    [5]     Xing He, Junfeng Chen, Wei Tian, Yuebing Li*, Weiya Jin. Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Steam Generator Tubes under Axial Loading. Materials, 2018, 11, 1944. doi:10.3390/ma11101944

    [6]     Chen Chen, Yuebing Li*, Mingjue Zhou, Shuiqing Zhou, Weiya Jin. Design of a methanation reactor for producing high-temperature supercritical carbon dioxide in solar thermochemical energy storage. Solar Energy, 2018, 176, 220-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2018.10.041 




    [1]     李曰兵, 金伟娅, 高增梁*, 雷月葆. 核压力容器缺陷验收确定性准则的失效概率分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(6): 27-35. 

    Failure probability analysis of a reactor pressure vessel using a deterministic flaw acceptance criterion. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 51(6): 27-35. DOI: 10.3901/JME.2015.06.027

    [2]     李曰兵, 高增梁*, 雷月葆. 断裂韧性特征值的概率分析[J]. 核动力工程, 2015, 36(5): 132-135. 

    Probabilistic analysis for characteristic values of fracture toughness. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2015, 36(5): 132-135. DOI: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2015.05.0132

    [3]     高增梁*, 李曰兵, 雷月葆. 承压热冲击下反应堆压力容器的概率评定进展与案例分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(20): 67-78. 

    Zengliang Gao, Yuebing Li, Yuebao Lei. Progress and case study on probabilistic assessment of reactor pressure vessels under pressurized thermal shock. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 51(20): 67-78. DOI: 10.3901/JME.2015.20.067


    [1]     李曰兵, 高增梁, 雷月葆. 反应堆压力容器用钢断裂韧性的表征方法及其统计模型[J]. 机械工程材料, 2014, 38(4): 91-95.

    [2]     包士毅, 李曰兵, 高增梁. 高温度梯度作用下圆柱壳蠕变的有限元分析[J]. 机械工程材料, 2014, 38(4): 78-81.

    [3]     Li Yuebing, Lei Yuebao, Gao Zengliang. Global limit load solutions for thick-walled cylinders with circumferential cracks under combined internal pressure, axial force and bending moment Part II: Finite element validation [J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2014, 114-115: 41-60.

    [4]     Lei Yuebao, Li Yuebing, Gao Zengliang. Global limit load solutions for thick-walled cylinders with circumferential cracks under combined internal pressure, axial force and bending moment Part I: Theoretical solutions [J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2014, 114-115: 23-40. 


    [1]     李曰兵, 金伟娅, 包士毅, 高增梁, 雷月葆. 基于概率断裂力学的承压热冲击条件下含周向裂纹圆筒体的结构完整性研究[J]. 核技术, 2013, 36(4): 040629-1-6.

    [2]     赵磊, 李曰兵, 雷月葆, 高增梁. 含表面裂纹板的概率断裂力学分析[J]. 核技术, 2013, 36(4): 040634-1-6.


