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办公地址: 机械楼A326


电子邮箱: shaowuliu@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介





    (1)   热喷涂技术及应用

    (2)   激光增材制造技术及应用

    (3)   激光表面强化技术及应用

  • 科研成果


    [1] S. Liu, et al. Effect of stoichiometry conditions on the erosion and sliding wear behaviors of Cr3C2-NiCr coatings deposited by a novel ethanol-fueled HVOF process. Surface and Coatings Technology, (2023) 454, 129084.(1Top IF=5.4)

    [2] S. Liu, et al.Tribological properties of cold-sprayed 7075Al coatings reinforced with hybrid nano-TiB2/micro-SiC particles,Surface and Coatings Technology.(2023) 458, 129323. (1Top IF=5.4)

    [3] S. Liu, et al. Novel liquid fuel HVOF torches fueled with ethanol: relationships between in-flight particle characteristics and properties of WC-10Co-4Cr coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, (2021)408, 126805.(1Top IF=5.4)

    [4] H. Wu,X. Xie, S. Liu*通讯作者), et al. Bonding behavior of Bi-metal-deposits produced by hybrid cold spray additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (2021) 117375. (2Top IF=6.3)

    [5] S. Xie, C. Song, S. Liu*通讯作者), et al.Dense nanostructured YSZ coating prepared by low-pressure suspension plasma spraying: Atmosphere control and deposition mechanism. Surface and Coatings Technology, (2021) 416, 127175.(1Top IF=5.4)

    [6] S. Liu, et al. Novel Liquid Fuel HVOF Torches Fueled with Ethanol: Optimization and Erosion Wear Response of Cr3C2-NiCr Coatings. In ITSC2021 (pp. 79-86). ASM International.

    [7] S. Liu, W. Wang, et al. Failure Analysis of the Tubes in a Methanol Synthesis Tower. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, (2019), 19(2), 438-444. (3)

    [8] S. Liu, et al. Effect of Compressed Air Flow Rate on the Microstructure and Properties of NiCoCrAlYTa Coatings Via a Novel HVOAF Process Fueled with Ethanol, Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference, 2022, pp. 437-446.

    [9] H. Wu,S. Liu, et al. Generic implementation of path design for spray deposition: Programming schemes, processing and characterization for cold spraying,Surface and Coatings Technology, (2023) 458, 129368.(1Top IF=5.4)

    [10] T. Jiang, T. Liu, S. Liu, et al. Dynamic self-optimization of hierarchical NiAl architecture catalysing oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline water electrolysis. Applied Materials Today, (2022), 28, 101526. (2IF=8.3)

    [11] H. Wu,S. Liu, et al. A framework for a knowledge based cold spray repairing system,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, (2021) 1-9. (1Top IF=8.3)

    [12] S. Xie, C. Song, Z. Yu, S. Liu, et al. Effect of environmental pressure on the microstructure of YSZ thermal barrier coating via suspension plasma spraying. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, (2021) 41(1), 535-543. (1Top IF=5.7)

    [13]H. Wu,S. Liu, et al. New Process Implementation to Enhance Cold Spray based Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,(2021) 1-10. (2IF=3.1)

    [14] H. Wu, C. Huang, X. Xie, S. Liu, et al. Influence of spray trajectories on characteristics of cold-sprayed copper deposits[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, (2021)405, 126703. (1Top IF=5.4)

    [15] Y. Yao, S. Liu, et al. Application of Image Segmentation to Identify In-flight Particles in Thermal Spraying, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,(2022) 1-13. (2IF=3.1)

    [16] L. Gui, ... S. Liu, A. Killinger. Prediction of In-Flight Particle Properties and Mechanical Performances of HVOF-Sprayed NiCr–Cr3C2 Coatings Based on a Hierarchical Neural Network. Materials,(2023) 16(18), 6279.(3IF=3.4)


