1. Ma, LiYuan, Song HaiFang, etal. On the non-integrable discrete focusing Hirota equation: Spatial properties, discrete solitons and stability analysis, Physica D, 460 134064, 2024.
2. Ma, LiYuan, Fang MiaoShuang, et al. Spatial structure of the non-integrable discrete defocusing Hirota equation. Chaos, 33(8) 2023.
3. Ma, LiYuan, Song HaiFang, etal. Continuum limits for rational, breather solutions, and gauge equivalent model of the generalized discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 46(17) 2023.
4. Ma, LiYuan, Zhang YanLi, Zhao HaiQiong, Zhu ZuoNong. Spatially discrete Hirota equation: Rational and breather solution, gauge equivalence, and continuous limit. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 108 106239 2022.
5. Ji JiaLiang, Kai Yue, Xu ZongWei, Ma, LiYuan, On a coupled nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,164 112761 2022.
6. Yang Jun, Zhang YanLi, Ma, LiYuan, Multi-rogue wave solutions for a generalized integrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with higher-order excitations,Nonlinear Dynamics, 105 629-641 2021.
7. Ma, LiYuan, Zhao, HaiQiong, Shen, ShouFeng, Abundant exact solutions to the discrete complex mKdV equation by Darboux transformation. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 68:31-40, 2019.
8. Ma, LiYuan, Shen, ShouFeng, Zhu, ZuoNong, Soliton solution and gauge equivalence for an integrable nonlocal complex modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58(10): 103501 2017.
9. Ma, LiYuan, Zhu, ZuoNong, Spatial properties and numerical solitary waves of a nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation with nonlinear hopping. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 309: 93-106 2017.
10. Ma, LiYuan, Zhu, ZuoNong, Nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its discrete version: Soliton solutions and gauge equivalence. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57(8): 083507 2016.
11. Ma, LiYuan, Zhu, ZuoNong, Gauge equivalent structure and solitary wave solution for a
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12. Ma, LiYuan, Zhu, ZuoNong, Nonintegrable semidiscrete Hirota equation: Gauge-equivalent structures and dynamical properties. Physical Review E, 90(3): 033202 2014.