1. 2019年度中国循环经济协会科学技术奖二等奖(2/13):可降解冷却液减量化智能精准输运技术体系构建和清洁工业模式产业化
2. 2004年度浙江省科学技术奖二等奖(3/6):光硬化树脂薄片切割砂轮的研制
3. 2009年度浙江省科学技术奖三等奖(7/7):MK7132A型数控卧轴矩台平面磨床
1. Ruochong Zhang, Yu Xia, Jiecong Zhang, Ying Wang, Haojie Zhang, Xiaodong Hu, Xuefeng Xu*.Effects of electrostatic catalysis on the formation of chemical reaction films with charged lubricant containing sulfurized isobutylene additive[J]. Tribology International, 2023,177:108012(2022年中科院一区,TOP)
2. Bohua Feng, Zhiqiang Luan, Ruochong Zhang, Yu Xia, Weiqiang Yao, Jiawei Liu, Yaliang Ma, Xiaodong Hu, Xuefeng Xu. Effect of electroosmosis on lubricant penetration at the tool-chip interface[J]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 2022.09, 307:11765(2022年中科院一区,TOP)
3. Bohua FENG, Zhiqiang LUAN, Tao ZHANG, Jiawei LIU, Xiaodong HU, Jiju GUAN, Xuefeng XU (通讯作者), Capillary electroosmosis properties of water lubricants with different electroosmotic additives under a steel-on-steel sliding interface[J]. Friction, 2022, 10(7):1019-1034(2022年中科院一区,TOP)
4. Tao Lv, Xuefeng Xu(通讯作者), Aibing Yu, Xiaodong Hu. Oil mist concentration and machining characteristics of SiO2 water-based nano-lubricants in electrostatic minimum quantity lubrication-EMQL milling[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 290: 116964(2021年中科院一区,TOP)
5. Xuefeng Xu, Zhiqiang Luan, Tao Zhang, Jiawei Liu, Bohua Feng, Tao Lv, Xiaodong Hu. Effects of electroosmotic additives on capillary penetration of lubricants at steel/steel and steel/ceramic friction interfaces[J]. Tribology International, 2020.11, 151: 106441(2021年中科院一区,TOP)
6. Shuiquan Huang, Zheng Wang, Weiqiang Yao, Xuefeng Xu(通讯作者). Tribological evaluation of contact-charged electrostatic spray lubrication as a new near-dry machining technique[J]. Tribology International, 2015,91:74–84(2021年中科院一区,TOP)
7. Xuefeng Xu, ShuiquanHuang, Jiju Guan, Jiande Hu, Wei Peng. Grinding performance and self–lubrication mechanism of phenolic resin-bonded grinding wheel filled with inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin and dialkyl pentasulfide[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015.7, 221: 163–171(2021年中科院一区,TOP)
8. 吕涛,黄水泉,胡晓冬,冯伯华,许雪峰(通讯作者)。静电微量润滑气雾特性及其切削加工性能研究[J],机械工程学报,ISSN 0577-6686,2019.1,55(1):129-138
9. 吕涛,黄水群,易芳,万家傲,许雪峰(通讯作者)。液体润滑剂/β-环糊精包合物为填料的酚醛树脂砂轮自润滑性能研究[J].机械工程学报,2017,53(17):160-171
10. 许雪峰,郭权,黄亦申,胡建德,彭伟。磁性复合磨粒化学机械抛光技术及其加工试验研究,机械工程学报,47(21):186-192,201111, ISSN 0577-6686
1. 许雪峰,吕涛,黄水泉,胡晓冬,姚伟强。一种氧化石墨烯水基纳米润滑剂及其制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2018 1 0300853.5,授权公告日:2021年10月08日。
2. 许雪峰,黄亦申,姚伟强,胡建德,章巧芳,王明环。切削液气雾微量润滑方法和装置,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0050221.57,授权公告日:2016年8月03日。
3. 许雪峰,何荣军,胡晓冬,彭伟。一种自润滑磨具及其制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0113430.6,授权公告日:2012年5月02日。
4. 许雪峰,彭伟,姚春燕,胡建德。化学机械抛光液和抛光方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0189611.7,授权公告日:2013年1月30日。