1. Jackknife Empirical Likelihood, Journal of American Statistical Association,2009,104:1224-1232. SCI(JCR-Q1)(概率统计类 T1);SCI他引170次,该领域高被引论文之一
2. Confidence correction for trained graph convolutional networks,Pattern Recognition, 2024, 156:110773, SCI(JCR-Q1);
3. Collaborative Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Synthesis, The Visual Computer, 2024, SCI(JCR-Q2);
4. Empirical Likelihood for Non-degenerate U-statistics,Statistics & Probability Letters,2008,78:599-607. SCI(概率统计类 T3);SCI他引11次
5. Empirical Likelihood Method for Quantiles with Response Data Missing at Random,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica/English Series,2012,28:265-274. SCI (应用数学类 T2);
6. Community detection by propagating the label of center, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018,503:675-686. SCI(JCR-Q2);SCI他引22次
7. Automatic clustering based on density peak detection using generalized extreme value distribution, Soft Computing,2017,2:1-20. SCI (JCR-Q2);SCI他引28次
8. EGRA-NeRF: Edge-Guided Ray Allocation for Neural Radiance Fields, Image and Vision Computing, 2023, 134:104670. EI(JCR-Q1)
9. Magnetization states in epitaxial thin films subjected to misfit strains and demagnetization field, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter,2015,457:62-65. SCI(JCR-Q2);
10.Machine-Learning-Based Methods for Optimizing Smartphone Performance in Fitness Activity Recognition,the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Blockchain (CCSB), 2024,(会议论文)
11. Feedback-based Graph Convolutional Networks,IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS),2021,796-800;(会议论文)
12. Multi-fusion Network for Single Image Deraining, IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS) ,2021,1156-1160;(会议论文)
13. Clustering by Finding Average Density, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacture(AIAM), 2020, 69-73;(会议论文)
14. 颅内动脉瘤破裂风险评估模型的研究,浙江工业大学学报, 2022,50(2):156-161.
15. 基于投票法的密度峰聚类算法,太赫兹科学与电子信息学报,2021, 19(3):517-522.
16. 多判别器协同框架:高品质图像的谱归一生成对抗网络,小型微型计算机系统,2021,42(1):201-207.
17. 基于半参数EGARCH 模型的VaR 和CVaR 度量与实证研究,数理统计与管理, 2014, 4:655-659 ;
18. 基于极值理论的VaR 度量模型及实证研究,浙江工业大学学报, 2013, 41(5):578-582;
19. 基于二元EGARCH-Copula 模型的中国股市量价关系分析,科技通报, 2012.28(7):187-191;
20. 养老保险的随机赔偿模型,应用概率统计,2003, 19:429-434;(概率统计类 T3)
21. 养老保险的连续精算模型,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),2003, 39:12-15;
22. 基于图神经网络的多元时间序列模型及实证研究,投稿中。